

Surf Junkie
X-games would be great for the sport; MAYBE!,The good, for money/attention to the industry getting more people on stand ups more people buying parts/ski's, equals manufactures of ski's and aftermarket parts to make better/new goods, and come up with improvements on current designs. The more people riding more idea's on tricks and the crazier things get, Example you look at skateboarding videos from the 80's and one from today and its completely different and alot more advanced. Jet Skiing has progressed, but not like other sports (My opinion). You watch stand up video's and its usually alot of Back Flips and Barrel Rolls with a little variation here and there, not much else except re-entry's into the surf and stabs. Flatwater has alot of more technical tricks, but less of the ooooww, ahhhhh, factor.
In the earlier years of the games, people watched flat land BMX, Which I guess you could kind of compare to flatwater Tricks on a ski, its a little slow to watch but takes years to master so its still very impressive to watch, but hard to compete with Rally cars,freestyle MX, and guys on skateboards getting 30 ft of air out of a 15 ft vert ramp. I like the idea of combining it with surfing, you could even combine it with wakeboarding, for more of the controlled enviroment factor, ski's jumping wake, then doing some flat water,

The bad, if it did take off, then you get all the posers, you guys already bitch about Dumb a**'s taking FOR EVER on the boat ramps, and then all these posers ride where the should'nt, break all the rules, and put even more strict regulations on the PWC sport, and possibly getting us banned from even more lakes and riding area's.

Thats my 2 cents from a PWC newb, But experienced with other exterme sports, like skating,motorcycles,downhill skiing and did alot of offroading with jeep clubs, and dealing with having Offroading area's closed because any idiot can get a jeep and tear up some private property, or driving through and endangered habitat. I've been envolved in other GOOD things that have taken off, and some what been ruined with popularity. I've owned a superjet for a a few months and was instantly hooked, mainly because its some what easy to learn but very hard to master. I think the sport would/could be huge if more people knew about it, or had the chance to try it.But it not only needs to be advertised as the sport, but advertised doing it right to keep EVERY ONE happy, like tread lightly for the offroad guys, there should be a ski lightly for us PWC groups. I think the current people on these forums do a great job on promoting the sport in a positive manner, it would just be hard to inform, a mass new group of people the X-games could bring in.

So when do we start sending our letters to ESPN asking for Freestlye PWCMX??? Or are we happy where we are headed? I personally kinda like that its a small tight group.
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norcal ex

San Jose, CA
Flatwater has alot of more technical tricks, but less of the ooooww, ahhhhh, factor.

This is a very very uninformed statement... just so you know.... at the lakes we ride at, we get the whole channel stopped with people saying " ooooww, ahhhhh" and they bust out their cameras and snap shots for 30 minutes strait still being able to yell and cheer the whole time.

Im not talking 2 or 4 boats, there have been something like 25 boats before with about 10 people on each boat (wake board boats).

Also, at the labor day WFWA freestyle stunt show at clear lakes Konocti harbor (also staring Toby Keith and kid rock) we had about 10,000 spectators. We were also treated like rock stars! whenever we needed anything we simply asked and they had about 3 of their staff members get it done!

Flat water freestyle is where it is at! that is... Until someone proves me wrong with "facts"!
A wave pool would be the ticket. Not the one at Daytona Lagoon. A big one. You could start a routine with flat water and then let the waves begin.
I have to agree with Mrs Pancake on what the people like to see. That is big air and amazing manuevers in the air. I have brought out many friends to the beach. They watch Nick, not me, because his ski is always upside down in some way when the waves are big. I prefer surf, probably mostly because I can't do anything in the flatwater. I believe that is why the flatwater clinic at Daytona is getting a lot of interest. I'm going to be there. It shouldn't be a surf versus flatwater thing. They are both difficult. But, definitely any crowd is going to want to see big airs. Mike Serlins double barrel role, Pete and Havell doing back flips when the wave is about to break on them in 2 feet of water, Coung doing reentries, Paul, Nick , Pete and someone else doing a BF of the same wave- That's what I remember from the Daytona freerides as far as jetskiing goes.


Surf Junkie
This is a very very uninformed statement... just so you know.... at the lakes we ride at, we get the whole channel stopped with people saying " ooooww, ahhhhh" and they bust out their cameras and snap shots for 30 minutes strait still being able to yell and cheer the whole time.

Very uniformed, maybe? like I said I am a newb :) I may have not given it the credit deserves, but it was in the sense of comparing it to the other sports, not surf vs flatwater. Im sure you get lots of attention on the lake, because you are doing some bad ass tricks, And your definatley the most exciting thing on the lake. The question is can it hang with the other X-game events, I think with the right publicity, to get people to give either Jet Skiing in the surf or flatwater a chance it could stand a chance. But hey, who wants to watch the X-Games on TV on a summer weekend when we can be out riding?
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norcal ex

San Jose, CA
The question is can it hang with the other X-game events

It has and does... just like at the WFWA show. they also had freestyle motocross show. we switched off... they would do their show and we would do our 5 minutes after.... we actually had more spectators watching the jet skiing then the bikes

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
personally, i think you guys got some things backwards...

do we seriously believe that having ski in the x games will get more people to buy and ride skis, thus bringing in a new golden age of stand ups??? i think norcal ex getting boats to stop and take pics of them riding does more to get people interested than the x games would...

you guys want to go all big time when you haven't even gone grassroots yet...how many attend freestyle events at their regional stops and/or on the national level?

if you can't get yourself as a rider to one of these events how are you gonna convince someone that spectators would be interested in it?

flat, surf...doesn't matter. cameras and editing would make me taking a poo while riding look interesting and death defying...its all about butts in seats, and sponsors getting a return on their investment (ROI) from the marketing and advertising...and we ain't got that by a long shot for the x games...

well, back to the shed for me...


and I dont think it would happen with just surf riding !
I like how you imply tht backflips and barrel rolls arnt good enough, or is it because you cant do it ?

never said airs arnt good enough...good riding needs to include both.most cant do that.never said my riding was better than anyone else either...obvioulsy its not
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thanks darin...noswad!
And on that note, I certainly hope the promoters that put the Surf Slam together last month, at least break even so we can do it again next year!:Banane09:


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
I don't care what anybody says. This sport is TAKING OFF. Daytona last year and Georgia last year are proof. These are HUGE rides!!!!! If you haven't been to one, you can't talk. Daytona had 100's of non riders on the beach in total awe!!!!


Six years ago, there was none of this. If you had 5 stand ups freeriding in one spot it was a huge group.


Huntsville, AL
never said airs arnt good enough...good riding needs to include both.most cant do that.never said my riding was better than anyone else either...obvioulsy its not

but you probally havent seen really good surfriding..(not just bf and brs in the waves)

you keep saying "most can't do that" and "you haven't seen good surf riding" ...well that is insulting to EVERY rider that I have watched. No they aren't in California doing it in front of you but that doesn't mean jack squat. I spend my days at the beach watching Slutty, Ted, Robert, Scott...all those guys...they may not think they are anything special but to me they are :fing02:and I am what will be watching--someone that doesn't know the name of every trick...or how long such and such has been riding...or who won what 5 yrs ago. I also spent a day watching Havell, Bogie, and Parr mess around on flat water and I was more than entertained. I don't appreciate being told what I like isn't good enough.

This whole surf vs flat water is getting really old. To each his own. So flat water doesn't excite you....big freaking deal! There are people out there that don't get excited to watch surf. Accept it. The only way to do it is to have two events...that way people can watch both of them and see what they like best and then go from there.

If everyone would check their attitudes at the door and get over themselves things could work out a little better. :soapbox:

Mrs. Pancake

Beach Bunny
Toms River, NJ

you keep saying "most can't do that" and "you haven't seen good surf riding" ...well that is insulting to EVERY rider that I have watched. No they aren't in California doing it in front of you but that doesn't mean jack squat. I spend my days at the beach watching Slutty, Ted, Robert, Scott...all those guys...they may not think they are anything special but to me they are :fing02:and I am what will be watching--someone that doesn't know the name of every trick...or how long such and such has been riding...or who won what 5 yrs ago. I also spent a day watching Havell, Bogie, and Parr mess around on flat water and I was more than entertained. I don't appreciate being told what I like isn't good enough.

This whole surf vs flat water is getting really old. To each his own. So flat water doesn't excite you....big freaking deal! There are people out there that don't get excited to watch surf. Accept it. The only way to do it is to have two events...that way people can watch both of them and see what they like best and then go from there.

If everyone would check their attitudes at the door and get over themselves things could work out a little better. :soapbox:

Great post Emm !


Washington DC
While I really enjoy the flat-water runs, I have to admit, nothing gets the WOW factor, like the big air of the surf tricks.

This is kind of like when watching MotoX, the big OOOOOs and AHHHHs are from the huge air, the tricks with the real risk of breakage of limb and machine, something that flat-water, by it very nature, just doesn't have.

The one thing flat-water does have, that surf riding doesn't, is the ability to put on a decent show, irrespective of the surf conditions.

A surf day, with teeny tiny waves is kind of boring, where a surf day with huge waves is unequaled as far as the WOW factor goes.

Flat-water can be exciting, and by its very nature, is setup well for spectator enjoyment, and could be counted on to give a good show, regardless of the surf conditions. As such, I think this would have a far better chance at making an X-Games event. Given the unpredictable nature of surf, it might be a tougher sell to the X-Games, as a bad surf day, could pretty much make a surf event as interesting as watching grass grow.

If it was a first time event, the promoters would probably want an event, that could guarantee a decent show, no matter what the conditions are, and that is flat-water.

Maybe it is personal choice, but I have always found the surf tricks to be much more impressive, than any flat-water tricks, but then, given that so much depends on the surf the day of the rides, that might be a much harder sell, even if the tricks create a much larger WOW factor, for a first time event, to ESPN.


. Given the unpredictable nature of surf, it might be a tougher sell to the X-Games, as a bad surf day, could pretty much make a surf event as interesting as watching grass grow.

Uhh..there is already a SURFing event in the xgames...



you keep saying "most can't do that" and "you haven't seen good surf riding" ...well that is insulting to EVERY rider that I have watched. No they aren't in California doing it in front of you but that doesn't mean jack squat. I spend my days at the beach watching Slutty, Ted, Robert, Scott...all those guys...they may not think they are anything special but to me they are :fing02:and I am what will be watching--someone that doesn't know the name of every trick...or how long such and such has been riding...or who won what 5 yrs ago. I also spent a day watching Havell, Bogie, and Parr mess around on flat water and I was more than entertained. I don't appreciate being told what I like isn't good enough.

This whole surf vs flat water is getting really old. To each his own. So flat water doesn't excite you....big freaking deal! There are people out there that don't get excited to watch surf. Accept it. The only way to do it is to have two events...that way people can watch both of them and see what they like best and then go from there.

If everyone would check their attitudes at the door and get over themselves things could work out a little better. :soapbox:

No wonder this sport will never go anywhere, its a joke..personally i think its for the better anyways
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my days at the beach watching Slutty, Ted, Robert, Scott...all those guys...they may not think they are anything special but to me they are :fing02:a

so you think amature riders should ride in the xgames???..no offense to any of the guys mentioned


Huntsville, AL
HAHA...geez dude. You know I can have a big boy/girl discussion but I see most people on here can't do the same.

No wonder this sport will never go anywhere..

Oh yeah this sport will not go anywhere because of open minded people like me:laugh2: :smashfreakB: It really helps to have people that only think their buddies are the best and what they say is the only way to go.



Oh yeah this sport will not go anywhere because of open minded people like me:laugh2: :smashfreakB: It really helps to have people that only think their buddies are the best and what they say is the only way to go.

All i was doing was stating my OPINION on what i would think would eb the best format for the xgames...surf contest is already there..waves are there...PERIOD..you can dissagree i never said i was right..your the one who is all offended...
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