how was nose piece fastened on with
We did it the same as putting a tubbie on. 5200 fast set (alot of it), then screwed it down, finally flare with thickened epoxy. There is more flaring/sanding work then a tubbie install to give it the seamless look, but if you can install can do this. Also just like a tubbie on an X2 the shape is not exact to the hull at first, you have to start at the front and work your way back....It bends to the correct shape of the hull. So the chines all line up nicely (as you can see). If you want to be really safe, you can drill a hole in the motor compartment, then foam behind the nose for added support...but I have not done this on either of mine and so far so good. There pretty thick...MUCH THICKER then the japanese one.
We did my brothers FAST...... the day before PCOLA trip, and it came out pretty good for the less than 1.5 hours of time we put into it. Actual install (not prep/finishing work) was less than 15mins.
This one is still covered with mold release on the top...thats hot fast we put it together. LOL