SXR Xscream adjustable steering on an SXR problem...

Yeah...Looking closer at the pics of Little_franny's subplate, it is slightly different than mine. I am not going to be able to reuse the stock pivot location, as it is too far from the bump stop. Only way it would work in that location is if I drilled a couple of short bolts through the sub plate that could stick out a bit and make contact with the arms on the turn plate...basicly making a new bump stop for each side. This is probably an option.

My other option is to take the sub plate off and see if I can remove the stock pivot bolt, maybe that is what madscientist is talking about a few post above. Then I can use the smaller hole that is about an inch lower and run a new pivot bolt through it and mount it up. Then the turn plate will be closer to the bump stop and the business end of it will be tucked in further below the chin pad as was stated above.

Any thought on this?


anchorage ak
Like I said before, there is already a hole in the 800 sub plate that your pivot bolt will fit into that will fix this problem. Same as 750s and what everyone is saying. The sub plate bolt aka pivot bolt will unscrew, then just drill and tap the other hole.

It was difficult to remove the stock pivot bolt with the tools I had but after a little heat I finally got it unscrewed. I ended up going to Lowes and bought a 3" 3/8 threaded hex bolt and a couple of lock washers and nuts. I also found a plastic bushing that fit almost perfectly inside the smaller hole and inside of it I screwed in the 3/8 bolt. Using this size bolt allowed me to use the rest of the hardware that came with the steering system. I also re-used one of the thick metal washers from the OEM steering to space it a hair further away from the chin pad. Lastly, I tightened it all down and used lock washers on both ends and on the top end that is under the chin pad I attached the nut and used a lock washer and red locktite.

This puppy is smooth and functional now. Hits the bump stop just fine and there is zero play in any direction.

Thanks again for all the help and information! It wasn't that bad at all once I took the sub plate off the ski and then I understood what to do.

The pics:





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