My goal last week was to get up early Saturday, finish the cooling lines, fuel lines, the last final touches, and get it in the water at least once before Daytona. Tricky helped me out big time, and we were at the river around 3:00. The water was cold as hell, I felt like Truerider and Hink in freakin Canada riding in the snow.
Everyone on here always says that their "fill in the blank" motor hits so hard, but no joke this RR is a straight baller. There are a lot of setups that I have not ridden, so I don't have an across the board comparison. It pulls so hard, starts right at the bottom, and keeps pulling all the way through the release off the wake. I was scared going from a 1200 to a 900, but I honestly could not be happier with the way this setup feels. Granted, I am still learning a lot, but I am going to have a great summer on this ski.
I have a few riding pics, but they were taken with a cell phone and it was getting dark, so they are not worth posting. I will update the thread once more with some legit DSLR ski and riding photos. Thanks for keeping up with the build : )