Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Since you gentlemen were so gracious in sharing pictures of your hairy ankles I thought I would show you my hairy ankle since we are all sharing. LOL. This is what my ankle looks like two months after. It is pretty swollen compared to my left ankle, but I'm able to wear normal shoes.

I will be attempting to ride this weekend. It's been making crazy being away from the water for two months. Watch my ski being trailered to the lake without me, being ridden without me.


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Since you gentlemen were so gracious in sharing pictures of your hairy ankles I thought I would show you my hairy ankle since we are all sharing. LOL. This is what my ankle looks like two months after. It is pretty swollen compared to my left ankle, but I'm able to wear normal shoes.

I will be attempting to ride this weekend. It's been making crazy being away from the water for two months. Watch my ski being trailered to the lake without me, being ridden without me.

Wow that’s what I have to look forward to. I see the doc tomorrow about surgery. At least reading this I can keep my hopes up and know it’s not going to feel like this forever. To all with cool scares on their ankles or soon to have them:Banane35:


Since you gentlemen were so gracious in sharing pictures of your hairy ankles I thought I would show you my hairy ankle since we are all sharing.

Hey, Hey, I resemble that remark. What can I say, the testosterone runs strong.

haha, but seriously, nice toes snaggle foot. kidding, kidding.

Your scars look great for being 2 months old. When I was down for months I got involved by filming hours of the junkies riding. It doesn't replace riding but it kept me involved.


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Hey, Hey, I resemble that remark. What can I say, the testosterone runs strong.

haha, but seriously, nice toes snaggle foot. kidding, kidding.

Your scars look great for being 2 months old. When I was down for months I got involved by filming hours of the junkies riding. It doesn't replace riding but it kept me involved.

LOL Those are prehensile toes. I'm excited about riding this weekend even if only for a little bit. This Jetski Physical Therapy.


Huntsville, AL
Uh oh, foot fetisher in the house :Banane26: j/k

haha...actually feet gross me out. I just have a thing about painted toenails:sneaky: It grosses me out to see women walking around in open toed shoes without polish. I am NOT a girly girl AT all but my "claws" are always a nice color.


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Shaving is highly overated. :slaphappy:

Well I received good news. Nov. 2nd I will have minor surgery to remove the long screw connecting the bones together. Currently those two bones are putting my tendons in a bind limiting my range of motion.
The doctor takes an x-ray to locate the screw, makes a tiny incision, and backs it out with a driver. I'm so thrill I will be awake for the whole thing.

Never thought I would be excited about loosing a Screw.


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Friday Nov. 2nd I got two of my screws removed! Yeppie! This should help me with range of motion. I think the Doc. thought I was crazy when I asked for them. I figure since I paid for them I should keep.


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Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Sorry to disappoint you, but I wussed out at the last minute. I made them put me to sleep. I visions of the Doc stand over me with a carpet knife and a Black and Decker ready to go to work. I whimpered a little and they were all to happy to give me the happy juice.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
They likely prefer people to be at least twilight. Can't have them freaking out and trying to jump off the table in the middle of things, can they? It's definitely not something we do on animals with them awake. It's very hard to explain to them what you're doing. Even people who get what you're doing have trouble coping with the whole, sound of powertools being used on them, thing.
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