hey rabbey,
there are a few differences to consider. obviously price is a big consideration for most, and i think thats how the whole kawi conversions came about to begin with.
being the yamaha 1200 has approx 20 more stock h.p. then the kawasaki 1100, when you add the same aftermarket goodies to it as the kawi, you still wil end up with more h.p. the fact that it comes with a nice set of mikunis is also a big draw over the cv carbs on most of the kawasakis.
that being said, they both are fairly straight forward and simple conversions. the nice things about the yamahas is that the electrical is plug and play, and the 1200 ebox mounts in the stock location without any modifications or additions to make it fit.
we are feverishly working on affordable conversion plates and mounts for the kawasaki, as well as some simple and inexpensive ways to mount the ebox.
if all goes well, we will have a really sweet display of the kawasaki and yamaha conversions in our booth at the daytona freeride for all to see.
we will premier our complete conversion kits for the kawi, as well as some really sweet goodies.
right now, we do have some shortblocks, and long blocks along with some electronics for conversions, just contact us for more info.
but we always have plenty of props, complete exhaust systems, heads, and anything else you may need for your conversions or otherwise.
thanks guys for the props and kind words about us and our products. without all of us supporting each other, this industry would not be growing as it is.
if we can help in anyway, please let us know.
and in the mean time, heres a little blaster conversion porn to get your pulse going!
thanks, dave