disassembled boat last night- will be using white hull as blue hull has some horrible fiberglass/bathroom caulk repair work to bottom where apparently it was dropped of a bridge at some point in its life and has a nice 2 inch hole where the waterbox rubbed through- also pump is trashed- it was a little rough sounding when turned by hand- when dissassembled the bearings were almost dust- so plan is this- i always thought the conversion sjs looked fun to ride so this will be taking that route- seat is toast, floor will be leveled to make a tray, footstraps or holds dont know yet, slammed hood, all the crappy plastic trim around the steering and stock trim is toast, yamaha power plant, midshaft, and pump- and voila custom fixed steering standup for the cheap- this will probably take a while as the blaster isnt together yet- too many projects:biggrin: