Zach Waddle and girlfriend killed

It's been great hearing the stories about Zach. I see he really had a lot of good friends and people who really cared about him.

I've known Zach since we were 6 years old. I have pictures of us together at birthday parties and events. I have vivid memories of waking up early and playing Contra and Double Dragon on the NES when we were young. Zach was really into Michael Jordan growing up, and I always remember that he would have the new AIR Jordans for the school year. I'm not sure if he played much in his later years, but he always loved basketball. We were really close up until high school when we attended different schools, but we would run into each other every now and then.

Last I looked him up, I saw he was big into water sports, which makes since because he lived in a house boat on the Columbia growing up.

My mother called me yesterday and told me the news; I about drove off the road. Even though I hadnt talked to him in years, our memories together instantly flooded my mind. I couldn't believe that someone I had known so well was suddenly gone.

Until today, I had no idea he had a child; and that made this story even more tragic.

Even though I don't know any of you, I want to thank you all for the kind words and donations for his child.

Zach will live on forever in our hearts.


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Barry.....Zach's ski looked the same at the Long Beach Freeride in 07 as it did on Saturday.
He wasn't out at LB for very long.
I believe he tuned , rode for a while (on Saturday in LB) and then left.
I did not have the chance to meet Zach or Libby but from the stories told they were both very loved. My heart and prayers go out to thier families. It will take a while for the hole in this small community to heal. Just be there for the ones you love. If you need help don't be to proud to ask. Friends are the best therapy.
Matt... I am not part of your jetski family, but I am a police chaplain and spent considerable time with Libby's family on Saturday morning. They are a wonderful family and trust me, Mason is in good hands. Thank you for doing all you have to help so many others process this tragic event.

You MUST know -- you did all anyone could that dark night on the river. You are one of those rare people who "run into danger when everyone else runs away." The nature of my work puts me in the middle of all sorts of critical incidents, like the one you experienced, and my training and experience tells me how important it is to talk (as many of your friends have suggested). Someone much wiser than me (Victor Frankle, Holocaust Survivor) wrote; "To talk is painful -- to not talk is more painful." You have a "new normal" now -- a 'normal' that includes the experiences of last Saturday -- you can never go back to the 'way it used to be'. Please heed the suggestion of your friends and find a professional to speak with. I would be happy to make a couple suggestions here locally if you'd like. Please feel free to email me or call @ 360.431.8735.

Thank you again for being the man you are. Thanks also to your wife. As much as Zach & Libby were great people, so are you both! You are all blessed to have the jetski family you have. You remain in my prayers along with Zach & Libby's families. Shalom!
Chaplain Steve White


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Steve (and all others)

I want to thank all of you for your kind words. The last few days have been hazy for us.
I find myself staring off into nothingness, not being able to get the sounds and images of that early Saturday morning out of my head.
I do not believe I did anything out of the ordinary.
Help was needed, and there was no one to help but me & Reilly (Thank you for calling & staying on the phone with 911!!!). Anyone else would do at least the same.
I deeply, deeply regret not being able to get James out of the vehicle, not seeing Zach and Libby in the water.
I am sorry Zach, Libby, James.

The funeral for Zach and Libby should be sometime this weekend, possibly Friday.
I would like to find out who, if anyone, would like to attend it.
Please PM me or call 509-947-1348
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Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
Barry.....Zach's ski looked the same at the Long Beach Freeride in 07 as it did on Saturday.
He wasn't out at LB for very long.
I believe he tuned , rode for a while (on Saturday in LB) and then left.
If that is the case that is not good. It was so cloudy Saturday I shot like 4 minutes of video from the beach. If there is no light you don't get anything.

There is 16 minutes of Seadude's helmet cam video that was from Saturday but there is usually very little good stuff as a percentage of time in the helmet cam videos:

Was Zach there for any other freerides?

There was something about the Fullgaz having stills of Zach from Bali on their website.

Do they have any video?

Is anyone tight with them to ask?
James Hernandez - By Proxy

Being closely associated with James as a fellow worker during the first solid employment situation of his early life I can only offer my prayers to those so deeply affected by his actions but cannot offer defense on his behalf. The loss of Zach and Libby leaves a void that can never be filled in the hearts and tears of their friends and family... but also for many others like myself that knew and loved James and cheered him onto success in life. The hurting of this useless tragedy will never heal in the hearts of many... mine included. I'm happy that Mason won't have the memory of this to drag along in his life.
Fullgaz has lots of pics and video of Zach...I am with Ludo now and will ask him to post what he has when he gets home. There are some low res pics on Zach's myspace.

I first met Zach and we became frineds in Oceanside at a contest in 2005, but I really got to know him last year on the European leg of the IFWA tour. Zach was a great rider and an even better person. It was impossible not to like the guy, incredibly good natured and fun to be around. And so proud to be a Dad.
The last time I saw him that Friday night was when he was showing me pics of his boy standing in the tray of his ski.

The world lost a really great guy, Mason lost two outstanding parents and lots of us lost a good friend.

Matt, you are an amazing guy and your wife is incredible as well. You went way above what would have been expected or done by anyone. I'm sure this will be incredibly hard to deal with for a very long time but I hope you know there are tons of people on here that care about you and would be glad to listen any time you need or want to talk. I can't imagine what you are having to deal with, and I don't think anyone else can that has not experienced it for them selves. But I for one would be more than happy to listen any time you would like to talk.
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Being closely associated with James as a fellow worker during the first solid employment situation of his early life I can only offer my prayers to those so deeply affected by his actions but cannot offer defense on his behalf. The loss of Zach and Libby leaves a void that can never be filled in the hearts and tears of their friends and family... but also for many others like myself that knew and loved James and cheered him onto success in life. The hurting of this useless tragedy will never heal in the hearts of many... mine included. I'm happy that Mason won't have the memory of this to drag along in his life.

Thank you for coming here.
I am so sorry for not being able to do anything for James.
Nor Cal
i know this is alot to ask however i know one of you wont mind. We have the letters and photos covered now we need one person to send all videos to. Then they can be combined and also given to family along with the photos and letters. i know it will mean alot.
thanks bunches


So long and thanks for all the fish
i know this is alot to ask however i know one of you wont mind. We have the letters and photos covered now we need one person to send all videos to. Then they can be combined and also given to family along with the photos and letters. i know it will mean alot.
thanks bunches

rasper99 possibly?


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
I just found about three minutes of Zach on the tape from last year. He is looking good out there. I have to go to work otherwise it would be on the web soon. It should be up later tonight.
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