Zack Bright Gets Superflips


Zack Bright. I Thrash.
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Oceanside, CA
After feeling out the rotation now, think it's possible to do them with the pole extended further out? A KOD flip with the pole extended half way or better will be the sickest thing anyone's ever seen on a ski.

ummmmmm...... i gueeeeess but it would make it that much harder. basically the futher you let the pole go out, the harder it is to get back into the tray so you would have to go even bigger. the problem also is if say the ski noses in and my legs are still over my pry hyper extend my back and snap my forearms...... aaaaaaaaand i really dont want that to happen in the surf. dont worry tho ill get the extenstion like that pic. and thinking of some other things.


you running a pole spring or just the 2 bolt setup?

pole spring with the bolt tight enough that the pole falls down slowly but easily. i also tapped a bolt into my handlebars so there is no chance of the bars slipping in the clamp cuz that would suck.
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