Observations from Daytona

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The Penguin

triple secret probation
nope. I think there was supposed to be a quarter slot and a key that could be removed once you dropped a quarter.

all of that had been broken off and/or stolen - so there was no way to lock the safe.


for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX
Dude, most of the medical insurance cards have your SSN as a "member number" clearly printed on them.

Another reason not to give out your SSN.

Dude, I am a stickler on this. I hate the fact they use it for ID.

Fortunately, my Insurance uses my school ID which is nothing like my SSN.


Backflip, weeee
Marietta, GA.
Yeah speaking of stuff stolen....We had a Samsung digital water resistant camcorder stolen right off the beach when we were trying to load my ski onto a cart. our backs were turned for at most 15 seconds. WHAT AN F'in JOKE


Wrenching > Riding
Kennesaw, GA
6 people (with two towels) in one room makes for a cheap hotel stay

cupped footholds are no good for knees

pulling an all nighter finishing a ski build the night before actually pays off

trying to tune a ski in the surf blows

i suck at riding surf

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Ronny and Ally like to put pieces of ham on your bed

My girlfriend gets Bi the more she drinks

British people are pro drinkers

I came up with the EME's new slogan "Balls included"

Malone's GF is going to arrest me

"Monster Loaf"

Preston gets more ******** then me, and he deserves it

"Whatever he was retarded anyway" - Mike Serlin on our waiter at outback

"Does our waiter have ADD?" - Mike Serlin on our waiter at outback

"You want ranch? Wait...What? Okay Ranch....so you want ranch?" - Waiter at outback

Stoyer should be a gymnist

Parr washes his ski better then himself

Candians are cool except their kid's hats

I'm Candian and from schanwackchuck
The counter guy at Thrifty Rent-A-Car in Orlando is a dead ringer for Eric Lagopoulus!

I kept saying "Jeezus Christ!" and Meesh got all pissy with me - said I should say "Cheese and rice" instead....by 3:00 Saturday afternoon, I was so goofy, I was saying "Cheese and crackers" instead.....now it's her new term.


"J, if you'll please just shut up and go to sleep, I'll let you snuggle with my boob." - author's identity shall remain a secret.

"She's got a phucking TAIL!!!!!!!!!!" Mark Baxter when he saw the tailed stripped bend over.


"Where are you?!?!?!" Mr, to Serlin on his cell at 4:00 a.m. Monday morning when I was trying to round the guys up for the drive to the airport.

"I might be 45...but I have the vagina of an 18 year-old" - author's identity shall remain a secret.
People should have their X names printed on their shirts or skis so i know who they are

I really need to bring my ski next year
thanks DJ for letting me ride your ski even though she went to 1 cylinder
I put well over 200 miles on a rented moped in 2 days, used about 2 gallons of fuel
50cc scooters can do smokey burnouts and donuts
The R.E.V. motor gave me a chubby, along with the EME
surf is now the only way i wanna ride, i realize how pathtic flatwater is
motorized skateboards kick ass
i was happy to see some sxr's on the water, not a full superjet show
people have ridiculously nice skis that i wanted to throw on my back and run away with
i need to plan earlier and get reservations at the makai
the daytona freeride was one of the coolest things i have ever been to
the freeride community is a cool bunch of people no doubt
i am already planning on how to get there for next year
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Carajo,gringos apestosos
People should have their X names printed on their shirts or skis so i know who they are

sj 002.jpg

Yeah, i went the cheep route.

I'm not spending any money on a paintjob until i get this ski to preform correctly in the surf. You still cant chop the throttle without bogging or stalling. Now that FL Cracker wants to go more often, i'll be tuning more.:purr:


wow, sorry to hear about the stolen stuff. That ********ing pisses me off bad. I am going down to the hotel today to let them know about this crap. We will just have to be more careful about leaving stuff open. I never dreamed this much stuff would come up missing...


Hooked on the Jamz
wow, sorry to hear about the stolen stuff. That ********ing pisses me off bad. I am going down to the hotel today to let them know about this crap. We will just have to be more careful about leaving stuff open. I never dreamed this much stuff would come up missing...

Sounds like this all happened at the Makai?? Anyone have anything stolen from the Driftwood?

I'd be pissed if I had anything stolen, but I'd be super-pissed if someone had gone through my purse.

What (a) skumbag(s)!
Sounds like this all happened at the Makai?? Anyone have anything stolen from the Driftwood?

I was staying at the Driftwood and had my vest in the back of my truck on Friday when I arrived. I didn't ride Friday and when I went to get it Sat...gone

I was parked right on the sidewalk though and it could have been anyone walking by.


salty nuts
coastal GA
Anyone have anything stolen from the Driftwood?

We stayed at the Driftwood & I KNOW I had at least a $50 and 1 or 2 $20's when we went to denny's on saturday morning (maybe it was friday). After breakfast, left the wallet on the the table next to my phone and put a shirt over it for the day. Wallet & phone were still there but cleaned out. :banghead:
I think it was our crackhead-looking cleaning lady. Left the do not disturb sign up the rest of the time.


I guess the only good thing is that we are aware now and can be more guarding of our stuff next time. This really upsets me


Hooked on the Jamz
We stayed at the Driftwood & I KNOW I had at least a $50 and 1 or 2 $20's when we went to denny's on saturday morning (maybe it was friday). After breakfast, left the wallet on the the table next to my phone and put a shirt over it for the day. Wallet & phone were still there but cleaned out. :banghead:
I think it was our crackhead-looking cleaning lady. Left the do not disturb sign up the rest of the time.

Damn. I didn't want to accuse the staff, but it's always my first thought. Our "do not disturb" went up the second we got there and stayed up until we left. (and it wasn't because we didn't want to be disturbed.)

That really sucks.
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