- Location
- Ontario, Canada
I just want to bring a public service announcement out to everyone and promote awareness to the scam these criminal couriers are pulling. This is the deal I am going through now with FedEx, I bought me a used impeller, declared value of $99. FedEx screwed up the shipping document and held the package in their office the parcel came into. After a week going by I check into the tracking number and see a note saying shipping document error. How did they not see that right away? They're the shipping "experts"
...anyway, they don't contact anyone to mention it, I find it by checking on the status. So the seller goes in and gets it cleared up while giving them what for on the incompetence level. He also gets told there might be cross border customs fees. He tells them no, there are no fees on under $100 claimed value packages. THEY AGREE AND SAID YOU'RE RIGHT, THERE ARE NO ADDITIONAL FEES AFTER THE INITIAL CHARGE!! Finally the parcel arrives and all is well. 2 weeks later I get a bill from them saying I owe an extra $56!! 
I already paid $28 for the shipping costs and all of a sudden 2 weeks after delivery they hand me this crap! I just found out they'll send it to a collections agency if I don't pay it. I got in touch with my seller whom is awesome, tell him and he says "yeah, they're trying to double bill me for the shipping too!" So they're trying to get a total of $56 usd for the initial shipping charge now instead of the quoted $28, and they're backing me into a corner for another $56 cad. So in cad at a rate of about 73% cad to usd exchange, plus the extra "surprise bill", to ship an impeller through FedEx over the U.S. border, for a total travel distance of about 200 miles, they are demanding a total of about $153?!! 

Then I find that this is a regular thing these a-holes are doing, not just FedEx, UPS tried that on me years ago, I refused the package and left it with them, I also read DHL is doing it too. I did a quick search to see if this is a common thing and sure enough, I'm not the only one getting screwed by these criminals! To Anyone that is selling, PLEASE BOYCOTT THESE COURIERS!!! When cross border travel was a normal thing for me, I would buy in the northern part of NY state and come back in the same day. The border guards and customs office personnel said there is NO CHARGE for purchases under about $125 cad. My impeller at the time of purchase was exactly $125, FedEx is a scammer organization! Avoid them like the black death plague!
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