Other New pos krash ski

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I mean sure, this reminds me of the advice given when I was young to 'find the old guy on the site and put up with him, he knows a lot' but also is on his 3rd divorce for a reason, lmao.

You can be right and be an asshole about it, I know plenty of doctors and lawyers who are.

Anyways as someone who has learned a lot from old cranky guys, this resonated. Perhaps the old buzzard IS right, lol.
Personally I am not doubting what he saw was correct. The sleeve in the incorrect position comment is an exact example what I was asking for the entire time at the beginning of this thread, but somehow took everyone's questions in a negative, personal manner, no idea why, sounds like its his poop personality.

Swear up and down something is terrible, people ask in what way, *Buzzard becomes offended*. Makes no sense.
Personally I am not doubting what he saw was correct. The sleeve in the incorrect position comment is an exact example what I was asking for the entire time at the beginning of this thread, but somehow took everyone's questions in a negative, personal manner, no idea why, sounds like its his poop personality.

Swear up and down something is terrible, people ask in what way, *Buzzard becomes offended*. Makes no sense.

Yeah man, some people are just pissed off all the time. I had a sgt who was like that. It eventually became hilarious so long as he wasn't pissed off at me.
Nah. Respect your elders. That doesn't mean age. It means experience. And alot of you. Don't have the experience you think you have. And alot of you, sit on some high ass horse, like your opinion matters. It doesn't.

Been riding the flooded nor cal valley for a month now. Ain't seen a single other rider out or an single post on stupid ass Facebook about riding. You all are soft

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
And ole sparky decided to show back up and grace us with his wisdom and knowledge. I turned 55 last week....... One thing I have learned, There is alot of bullpoop that I have to put up with and some that I can choose not to put up with.................. Sparky, If you cannot come here without being a complete Douche, Just don't bother coming at all......... You honestly act like you are gods gift to jetski world..... Been Riding in the flooded Valley's? Good for you, you want a cookie? Here is a hint, most of use don't give a rats ass about your opinion......... Because honestly, you do not bring anything to this site. What help do you offer? Holy Poop, Just realized you have not posted in year........... Didn't even notice you had been gone........

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
And ole sparky decided to show back up and grace us with his wisdom and knowledge. I turned 55 last week....... One thing I have learned, There is alot of bullpoop that I have to put up with and some that I can choose not to put up with.................. Sparky, If you cannot come here without being a complete Douche, Just don't bother coming at all......... You honestly act like you are gods gift to jetski world..... Been Riding in the flooded Valley's? Good for you, you want a cookie? Here is a hint, most of use don't give a rats ass about your opinion......... Because honestly, you do not bring anything to this site. What help do you offer? Holy Poop, Just realized you have not posted in year........... Didn't even notice you had been gone........
I didn't notice either , he hit the iggy list about the same time as the Buzzard , sometimes the best way to win is by no longer playing the game.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
so EVERY ENGINE that has it's sleeves hanging down into case is bad eh?............

It's 2025, post a photo or STFU
LMAO.... Never said EVERY ENGINE.... Just put it out there that the 997 sleeve may actually be causing issues with flow. Cannot post a pic of something I dont have.............. So, with that, why dont you STFU!!!!!!!!!! I am grumpy, been at work for 25 straight hours..........

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
LMAO.... Never said EVERY ENGINE.... Just put it out there that the 997 sleeve may actually be causing issues with flow. Cannot post a pic of something I dont have.............. So, with that, why dont you STFU!!!!!!!!!! I am grumpy, been at work for 25 straight hours..........
Man life on the inside has made you mean , but please continue several of these clowns on here deserve it
I mean. Only like 4 people who actually ride have commented on this site in the past yr. People just sell stuff on here. Mostly their skis that they never even rode. Prob why you have the traffic you have. Like 5 old dudes that never even flipped a ski telling the younger generation they need to listen. Like Orville trying to tell chuck Yeager what's up. Gtfoh

I'd bet money you kooks would take one look at the flooded sac. And go running for the hills with your tail tucked. Better yet, you ever rode 27ft surf? Not gods gift to jet skis by a long shot. But I am badass rider. Badass mechanic. And I've gotten more people into riding stand up jet skis than anyone I know. And I'd bet more than anyone on here also.
None of you even care. Like your gonna buy one? If you cared. And really wanted to know. You'd be in the loop and have easy access to that information. Guess what. Seems only 1 or 2 of the people posting are. While everyone else is just whining about how mean everyone is.

Instead of having a requirement for a number of posts. It should be a requirement for hours rode in a month. That would turn this site around from the dive bomb course its on
None of you ride mx at all. Or any other sort of powersport. Pretty much everyone who is actually good. Is cocky. Because they earned it. And they hate posers and lames and they call it out when they see it. If you haven't been in that circle. Well sorry. But your the group that that circle was talking about. Sucks to suck man. You dont care about my opinion. And I dont care about yours. The difference is. I actually ride. And will continue to ride for my entire life. So. While your behind your computer desk on xh2o posting up your ski for sale cause you washed out, couldn't afford it, or were just a sissy who couldnt progress, I'll be shredding just like I was 15 years ago.
The fuel injected skis come with a weak tune and low compression. Piston port engines make more power so I know the design has gobs of potential

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