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  1. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

    Started sanding the ski. Wanted to keep the ski as close to its original form as it could be but i ended up breaking a piece of the fire extinguisher housing then i started going ham on it. Does anyone know a good replacement for trying to keep this somewhat original. Also if i decide to race...
  2. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

    i suppose your right, im definitely repainting though.
  3. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

  4. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

    My buddy compulsively bought an unfinished, unregistered ski, and has about negative experience with any watercraft or just wrenching alone. the guy who sold it to him at the time basically said he didnt have time to do anything with it and bought it just how we saw it at the time. He got that...
  5. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

    Its funny because i quite literally just pulled a 440 apart that was given to me and i totally know what your talking about with the shaft, 1 i actually did end up throwing a little oil down the cylinder after i pulled engine, once i let it sit for a few mins it actually got significantly easier...
  6. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

    Iv heard that getting this motor is nearly impossible to get ahold of and the parts to rebuild are the same.
  7. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

    What do you mean?
  8. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

    I actually figured it out, it had a bad power contact. Thanks for the help. Also i did throw a dab of oil down the cylinders. Just to give it a little love on the rings. After it had been sitting for so long i figure it was a decent idea.
  9. Ryan Declark

    Was given a 550 The General Lee

    Long story short, when i try to start it, it sounds like it has a dead battery and its slow to turn over, i had a 1000 cca battery hooked up. By hand the motor turns over but feels "stiff" My assumtion is that it sat so long that either the crankshaft bearings are seized or the piston rings...
  10. Ryan Declark

    Is thier a rule of thumb?

    A V3 tigercraft is what im after so im assuming yes.
  11. Ryan Declark

    Is thier a rule of thumb?

    Ya im asking questions because im new, so sometimes i dont know the right question to ask. I think the answer to the question at this point though if a 155 is installed a prop can tune everything to manage more or less power.
  12. Ryan Declark

    Is thier a rule of thumb?

    Thanks. I suppose my question is if i do no upgrades to the engine would i have diminishing returns for the pump
  13. Ryan Declark

    Is thier a rule of thumb?

    I assume that at some point a larger pump like a 155mm with lets say a stock 701 would do nothing aside from cause a lot of loss on the bottom end due to a larger prop being spun and more water being pushed. Is their a rule or thumb/gold standard to engine size and modification? Im trying to...
  14. Ryan Declark

    Gonna do a Tigercraft v3 701 build but im new

    Ya i suppose ill look the cost for everything as of now and factor it all in. What are some other hulls like xfs and the v3 that might be around the same avenue of what i want to do if i decide to go used?
  15. Ryan Declark

    Gonna do a Tigercraft v3 701 build but im new

    I seriously appreciate all the help and suggestions. Building the ski will be challanging, but im okay with the challange regardless of time, havint had a ski for a while so its not like im missing ride time anymore than i already am. Also i dont want to nickle and dim myself to death and i...
  16. Ryan Declark

    MINT 1997 Superjet

    Is this available still?
  17. Ryan Declark

    Gonna do a Tigercraft v3 701 build but im new

    Give the motor a little love like rebuild or add more hps
  18. Ryan Declark

    Gonna do a Tigercraft v3 701 build but im new

    Im trying my best to do a search and cant seem to really find a HOW too thread and im sure its because where everyone get their power centers are different. Basically dad has a mint condition 1994 wave raider sit down with a stock dual carb 701. im a diesel boat mechanic and i repower old...
  19. Ryan Declark

    800 kawi or yamaha motor in a 550

    cool thanks guys. i think i might just consider doing a 750 engine. this would be my first time building a ski from scratch. thanks for the advice
  20. Ryan Declark

    800 kawi or yamaha motor in a 550

    Has anyone ever thrown a 800 kawi or yamaha motor in a 550 hull? Thinking about building a 550 like this ( ) and throwing an 800 in it. if its not realistic then im not gonna bother.
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