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  1. cornbread40

    Cornbread's 08 SJ Build **Updated (Finally)***

    Thanks man, just put 2nd layer of glass down as well as reinforced tray ( hold to hold). Gotta wait for it to cure then i will throw down the 2nd layer on foam holes and safety tail spray hole. Then it will be on to mat and turf (Not looking forward to this at all):thumbsdown::rolleyes:
  2. cornbread40

    Cornbread's 08 SJ Build **Updated (Finally)***

    As far as handling i have been searching around threads here to see what guys have done since the 08 is different. i havent really found anything that most would agree on. it seems as the aftermarket is catching up bc i am now noticing plates and grates designed for 08+, so for now i am gonna...
  3. cornbread40

    Cornbread's 08 SJ Build **Updated (Finally)***

    Bout to throw down last layer of glass on the tray, will postsome pics later tonight.
  4. cornbread40

    Cornbread's 08 SJ Build **Updated (Finally)***

    Sweet build, hopefully mine comes out that good. Love that green on the engine block:Banane09: Thanks for the tip, definately dont want any water in after i do all this work!!! Do not want to do it again for a while.
  5. cornbread40

    Cornbread's 08 SJ Build **Updated (Finally)***

    Thanks for the offer but blowsion sent me one with all the other stuff already Probably, ive gotta do some more readin on this befor i attempt it myself Thanks guys for the info on this. will help me spend less money!!!!!!!
  6. cornbread40

    Cornbread's 08 SJ Build **Updated (Finally)***

    Thanks pete, im just gonna use latch holes and two bolts down low, also gonna add the drains and thinkin bout adding that compartment. Just dont know if i wanna cut into something that beautiful:Banane25:!!!!!!!!
  7. cornbread40

    Cornbread's 08 SJ Build **Updated (Finally)***

    I bought my 08 SJ midseason last year and just rode it stock to get through summer. Now i have decided to rip it up. Never done any work on a SJ so this forum has been real helpful. Had just been ridin a Blaster before. Here it goes... Stuff i already have (currently puttin on): Blowsion...
  8. cornbread40

    08 SJ with some X Metal

    Sweet build!!!! I currently have my 08 under construction as well. Whn i am done being lazy i will start a thread too. Have you given any thought to a new ride plate? I have been tryin to figure it out as it seems alot of the companies are startin to come out wit 08 specific. Good luck with...
  9. cornbread40

    Fiberglass Practice

    Alright, started this today. Got only a half done, ran out of mixed resin. Does this look alright so far? I followed Jett's advise and used a squeegee. Thanks for yo help guys. Gotta run to get some gloves and will finish the first layer tonigt as long as you all think it looks good.
  10. cornbread40

    Fiberglass Practice

    I am about to glass in my footholds. Never worked with glass before so i did a practice piece last night on a cutout. Does this look alright besides the extra resin around the edges? Thanks again.
  11. cornbread40

    Custom/Hybrid New xmetal pole !

    Any Updates? Did any one have a chance to run this at Daytona? Review? I am lookin to add this setup and was wondering what people thought who saw it. Also checked out the new X site and it looks good, the new pole isnt in it though.
  12. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    ty - that would have sucked if i hadnt asked
  13. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    cool. this is the glass i have to work with. i should put the shiny side down, right?
  14. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    for the holds
  15. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    thanks matt. Is one layer enough?
  16. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    Thats what i was thinkin, but wont it speed up the time i have to work with it?
  17. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    Thanks guys. Think i am going to glass first bc i had to cut out hold to allow for clearance on the exhaust. Either way i guess i would have to glass twice. I would have to glass the hole in hold then foam then glass everything Or glass evrything but foam holes then foam and then glass those...
  18. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    Thanks Mark. This is gonna be my first glass job as well. I will post some pics. Hopefully i will get around to it tonight.
  19. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    Thanks - should i glass them in first or foam then glass?
  20. cornbread40

    How Much Foam?????

    I have my Klowners expoxied in and holes drilled for foam but do not know how much to poor in? I dont want to have a volcano of foam flowin through my garage and this is my first foohold install. Anybody have any ideas on the amount? Also should i glass or foam first? Thanks
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