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    Vendor Wants Your Input

    I agree, i know alot of guys who read the mag, but only 1 or 2 that visit the site, and thats very infrequently
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    YEs, but lead acid batteries would fail to quickly and they weigh too much.
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    Southeast Michigan ride?

    Hopefully the weather will be warmer this weekend
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    id like to see that incorporated into a car. WHere it puts the power back into the battery or uses it instead of battery power from a capacitor or something
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    Thats because we dont have the battery technology yet to do what they want the batteries to do.
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    ******PM's are disabled for a bit******

    Thanks for takin care of that JETT. I HATE SPAMMERS! lol and i really wanted to discuss his religion with him too. lmao
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    Yes people will always complain, but until our elected officials decide that the good of the whole outweighs the complaints of some of their supporters, nothing will change.
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    Correct, but the enviromental wackos think everything is bad, Nuclear power is bad because of the waste. Windpower is bad because you stick big windmills in the air and it clogs up the sky and kills birds. Hydro power is bad because it destroys habitat. We have gotten ourselves into one heck of...
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    whats the best jetski magazine

    Sorry BK, Guess i should have clarified that. lol THose guys do work hard though. I have met Chris a couple of times on Freedom rides
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    whats the best jetski magazine

    I agree, ride is a pretty good magazine and is starting to cover freeriding more. Plus, the AWA membership gets you some pretty good deals on things not to mention they fight to keep the waterways open for us to ride.
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    and i dont think Barrack or Billary would do better, not sure about Mccain either, but i do know they cant do much worse than Bush.
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    true, however, all the oil companies are pretty much in bed with each other anyways. I remember when the no name discount gas stations started up, their prices were way better than the big name brands. Now they are like 2 cents cheaper.
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    True, but We have 8 more months of Bush before anyone can even start working on alternatives and funding them. Any bill that comes across his desk that actually has any balls will get vetoed or sit there.
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    an electric car? Most electricity in the US comes from coal and oil.
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    Whats being done honestly? Not a whole lot besides talking.
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    i dont know how to do that quote thingy yet. lol But as far as how long we have had. Yes, we are talking since the 70's. However, i have to blame the government for not tightening standards sooner and not giving companies very good incentives for investing in alternative fuels. Asking the oil...
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    ok, i can agree with that theory as long as theres measures in place to correct the problem. If you pull that band aid off and you start bleeding again, you put another one on. You drive gas prices up, then what? What do we have in the meantime while the years go by that they create and develop...
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    Bushs idea of an alternative fuel source to replace oil is Ethanol. Still requires oil to produce and oil to blend into it. All that money and investment and rules requiring so much ethanol production by a certain date for what? Its not better for the environment, you get less MPG with the...
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    I think its called throw the american consumer under the bus. I understand about raising prices to get the american public to act, but there has to be a cut-off point. You cant destroy the economy and a certain way of life to get change. You have to do it slowly. $1.50 a gallon hick from last...
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