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  1. wavehog

    Brigantine surf

    After work ride with the boys,Joe b,flash,special & myself
  2. wavehog

    1st GoPro Vid

  3. wavehog

    1st GoPro Vid is what i got before dead was fun,got better while riding.
  4. wavehog

    1st GoPro Vid

    [video=youtube;ZNfKChN1Q3M]"]YouTube - 062109 return a[/url][url="[/video]THE FUN CONTINUES
  5. wavehog

    1st GoPro Vid

    On the third day of riding FlashFx,SpecialFx,brother Tom and myself thougt a break from the surf was needed,so a easy ride in the creeks sounded good. First vid is the way out ,next will be the way back. This is one creek of many.:werd:
  6. wavehog

    Snow riding video

    Go Pete:bananapowerslide:
  7. wavehog

    whats better?

    Toe clips are ghey:shocked: probably all have them on your bikes too!
  8. wavehog

    fun surf!

    Thanks Andrew. Looks like it was (skippy), lucky for T. Will check out website for some swag.
  9. wavehog

    fun surf!

    All the pics are incredible. really like the alley-oop sequences but pic 650 is the one for me, bottom sucking out faster than moving forward. Wonder if next pic was of a little free fall? (skippy)or:twak: Jerry behind the curtain would be next. Great day for all:Banane09:
  10. wavehog

    fun surf!

  11. wavehog

    Brigantine Surf 10-26-08

    Naa. That depicts someone in shape.:poke:
  12. wavehog

    Brigantine Surf 10-26-08

  13. wavehog

    Brigantine Surf 10-26-08

    wheres the pic?
  14. wavehog

    Brigantine Surf 10-26-08

    Flash fx has a lot of pics. searching for a real pic for avatar,not quite yet:scratchchin:
  15. wavehog

    Brigantine Surf 10-26-08

    Thanks Flash, too much fun. first full suit ride :frown: and second wave of day sent me to bottom came up with no glasses, could'nt see ---- too fun to stop:Banane09: Joe b. keep going your ski is coming together perfectly. Everyone should keep an eye on joe's build, a true SURF boat. :27:
  16. wavehog

    Just want to say Thanks!!

  17. wavehog

    FX-1 FX-1 Registry

  18. wavehog

    Tips for bigger riders?

    There might be something to that
  19. wavehog

    Tips for bigger riders?

    I am 6' 260 pounds & IMO less is more for learning.12 years on a stock fx1 (a big blender has more hook up) you learn to use momentum, body english & finesse to make up for no power. You learn how to ride a ski...
  20. wavehog

    1-18-08 Video, Legdrag Pete and Shawn_NJ X2 Ride

    :Banane25::Banane25: :Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::Banane25::shocked:
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