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  1. wanderer1

    Kawi power?

    Ugh, I don't think you adequately described what happened with "got wet" lol. Dixie, Scorn that's terrible reliability and unfortunately seems to be pretty common with all the Advents. Hoping the new programmable ignition coming out is far superior like I've been told and stated in previous...
  2. wanderer1

    Kawi power?

    Fixed it for ya. Yeah the new one that's supposedly in the works should be GTG and reliable for the long run, keep our fingers crossed.
  3. wanderer1

    Kawi power?

    Get a 4mil crank, some port work, big carbs and an Advent and keep running your Kawi. Then save up some more and get a DASA top end. Call the regular crank shops about doing it or call DASA for the crank. The DASA one is billet though so may be a little pricey. Good luck and have fun guys.
  4. wanderer1

    Kawi power?

    I think you have a little more to find still. You're getting there, that thing will put a smile on your face.
  5. wanderer1

    Kawi power?

    If it was in a glass RokR then that's my old one. It'll get it done. Funny how people talk about Kawi strokers when they haven't even ridden what they are talking about. Current owner still has more power to find.
  6. wanderer1

    Kawi power?

    Well, adding 4mm stroke to the crank gives you a 78mm stroke. That is equivalent to adding 10mm to a Yamaha, that would need mucho case work. The Kawi requires very little to accept the extra 4mm and I did not notice any case reliability loss. Just a thought, add a 4mm stroker crank to your SXR...
  7. wanderer1

    ATP Total Loss TS2

    With the same timing curve? A better way to say it imo may be, a more aggressive timing curve (that a programmable ignition allows) is night and day over and enhancer and oem cdi. Some guys reading this thread may not understand this. Just making the point, that yes a stronger spark is achieved...
  8. wanderer1

    Kawi power?

    Kinda off yet kinda on subject. Same rider on a bouy course with an SXR timed, same rider on a SXR with a SJ power plant timed? Flip it over to SJ and then a SJ with a SXR power plant? That might be interesting. For an engine that doesn't make power, they sure do win a lot of races.The support...
  9. wanderer1

    How old are some of the little kids that race or ride??

    Well, he didn't cause it on his own, but was part of the reasoning behind it for sure and boy did he want to bitch about it. Funny how we don't pay attention to or even care about things like this or rights being taken away until a time comes when it directly affects us. I agree with the...
  10. wanderer1

    How old are some of the little kids that race or ride??

    The problem is that not all parents are real bright. Example, back in the day my buddy put his 7 year old on a GPR1200 prior to any restrictions. The outcome, if you cant guess, was a ski meets a boat in a bad way incident. Unfortunately these laws get "traction" in the publics stupidity. Like...
  11. wanderer1

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    Better wording, thanks.
  12. wanderer1

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    Very impressive picture of the FS2, see what it can do in the DVX?
  13. wanderer1

    New design TNT pipe

    Type 8 faces front of ski. RIVA, Type 4 and 9 the exit faces the bulkhead. The new ET Billet manifold might be a possible candidate for use. Being of a new, dyno tested design, probably a better option.
  14. wanderer1

    Time Crunch World Finals Trixstar Build

    Looks great (that better?), time to start combos. When are these going to be available for the buying public and has any pricing structure been set? Options or differences between hull setups been worked up?
  15. wanderer1

    backie chan new new builder?

    Is that how they make them? I didn't know you could even do that. How did you find this out? I thought they said the hull is hand laid.
  16. wanderer1

    Super Jet ET SJ Billet BigBores

    Will you have it setup to run wet or dry like the WDK billet manifold?
  17. wanderer1


    This guy does pretty good reviews. Sure is a lot of polymer, too much for me, but if ya like it "pull the trigger".
  18. wanderer1

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    Yeah the pump setup interests me too, I've yet to see one up close and personal. Any pics of the setup as it was being assembled? What pump is it?
  19. wanderer1

    Time Crunch World Finals Trixstar Build

    Too bad it looks all home made and junky!! lol
  20. wanderer1

    How old are some of the little kids that race or ride??

    I was just bringing it up. The law is pretty specific, penalties can be severe, and most of the authorities are aware of the law. Back in the early 90's I chose to keep my kids off my standups because of all the idiots that started showing up on sit downs and I viewed them as extremely...
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