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  1. jeremy chambon

    1990 JS550 Wont run in water

    A compression test after a head gasket change would tell you a lot too. With out going to the water. If water is getting in....air is getting out.
  2. jeremy chambon

    Cleveland Freeriders 2016

    Explained why @MADMAT broke his pole off his hull.
  3. jeremy chambon

    Today is last day of shipping this week for JetManiac

    Kick back and relax.
  4. jeremy chambon

    ski rocking

    Have you tried shifting your body weight to the front of the ski or to the back? Also try some different ride plates
  5. jeremy chambon

    New Jet Lift Beach Tote Strap/Hook

    @Bobert540 didnt your break and drop your ski on the concert? Problem solved
  6. jeremy chambon

    Super Jet Power valve motor

    Hey guys I'm looking for a blow power valve motor Yamaha bases it can be broke beyond repair.
  7. jeremy chambon

    Custom/Hybrid ping pong ball thread!

    Matt you know I would be down
  8. jeremy chambon


    Sorry I don't remember the color I had them done. I had a local shop do it for me. I do know prep is a huge part of it. My stuff was a blasted down to bare aluminum. Idk if clear coat will help.
  9. jeremy chambon


    I powder tons of stuff on my build hasn't seen salt yet so I hope it holds up well
  10. jeremy chambon

    Umi finger throttle preference

    I second that.
  11. jeremy chambon

    Tom Aiken Rider Vid

    Any day now!!!
  12. jeremy chambon

    Tom Aiken Rider Vid

    Can't wait to see the vid
  13. jeremy chambon

    SJ in new Bay Watch!

    I'm going to watch that move for all the tits including the rocks!!!!
  14. jeremy chambon

    B-1 Dropdeck Project

    He had discussed a motor with me a few times but it's up in the air who knows what motor will be on the shelf when the time comes around. As far as TL or mag pump. I would go with a mag pump TL can be problematic.
  15. jeremy chambon

    B-1 Dropdeck Project

    Well frank and I were bull crapping about it the other day. It's still not done but it's going to be cool when he finishs it
  16. jeremy chambon

    fixing a cracked pipe?

    The biggest reason why pipes fail after a crack is repaired is do to the lack of penetration. You need to drill the ends of the crack and open the crack up with a grinder so when your welding you get a key hole. Then using filler metal to bring the parts back together. If you just weld over the...
  17. jeremy chambon

    Spark plugs in watercraft

    I was thinking there was one too many 0 in there.
  18. jeremy chambon

    Freestyle Handle pole breather tubes

    Hey I sent you a pm did you get it?
  19. jeremy chambon

    Freestyle Handle pole breather tubes

    Do you have any left over I can purchase from you?
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