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  1. WB1994

    west coast head / domes ?

    ES is the correct plug. Its longer . Westcoast head is thicker than the stock head.
  2. WB1994

    west coast head / domes ?

    Br8es stock torque specs.
  3. WB1994

    west coast head / domes ?

    WJ sounds like its a wetjet head from the Kraze model with westcoast parts. I believe thise heads were rated at 180 psi. Not 100% possitive on my answer
  4. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    Couldnt a volume change in a pump exit nozzle along with a certain size and shape of the tailcone that seals the rear bearings actually creat a turbulance thats nonbenificial to the flow out the nozzle?
  5. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    "So I want my pump to start pressurizing at low Rpm's. I do this by increasing my tail cone sizeto reduce internal pumpvolume" Isnt this achieved with a change of pitch in the impeller? And isnt increasing the tailcone size increasing internal volume?
  6. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    Shouldnt this sweet spot you speak of be achievable by any pump with just adjusting the prop and exit nozzle volume compared to HP? Is the overall volume important to the sweet spot or is the overal volume , 144 vs 155 , more important to the amount of mass it can move when a sweet spot is achieved?
  7. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    Big carbs and tl make for good bottom end? I think your missing a few variables. I kind of understand what your trying to say about internal volume but like I said before the slight change of volume your talking about , imo , is so minimal that even in absolute perfect conditions you couldnt...
  8. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    Are you more worried about the overall volume in the cone or the size of the exit nozzle? What is the importance of the volume of water in the cone? A pump is not compressing the volume of water , the exit nozzle is , no? Your changing the pitch of the prop due to HP vs exit nozzle , no? Im...
  9. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    You cant really compare cylinder cc, s to pump volume but yes just a few cc, s makes a big difference under preasure unlike the pump where your not compressing the water. I never said internal volumes made no difference , I actually said the opposite . I was saying imo the susubtle differences...
  10. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    Your kind of getting all over the place . What does prop pitch have to do with pump volume? And doesnt it litterally take a split second to prime a pump no mater cone size or stuffer or whatever? So im not understanding your theory of it being your "timing" of a pump. Its really not much volume...
  11. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    Yes Its obvious that a stuffed pump has less volume so its quicker to fill with water. Not sure where your going with that but it looks like you agree that greater volume equals greater movement of mass. Which in turn woulld mean stuffing or bighibbing a ump is counteractive tolow end needing...
  12. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    Another question ... how much volume difference is there in front of an impeller thats setback compared to nonsetback? A couple or three cups of water? Taking just that volume , how fast does a pump prosses that volume? A thousandth of a second? Is that really a factor in flatwater areals...
  13. WB1994

    OEM 155 Pump Talk

    Ok , question time. Wasnt the magnum pump brought to market in the hayday of racing? Designed for racing? With the knowledge that compressing the volume in the 144 pump created a greater preasure exiting the pump which in theory creates a faster ski? With the downside that less volume equals...
  14. WB1994

    Definition of Freeride?

  15. WB1994

    Definition of Freeride?

  16. WB1994

    Definition of Freeride?

  17. WB1994

    Definition of Freeride?

  18. WB1994

    Definition of Freeride?

  19. WB1994

    Definition of Freeride?

  20. WB1994

    Definition of Freeride?

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