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  1. Quinc

    What's your view look like today?

    How about total yards of carbon and glass used per hull? Or how many ml of resin per hull? :D
  2. Quinc

    What's your view look like today?

    How many yards per hull do you use?
  3. Quinc

    Out with the old.

    Neighbor went into hospital last week and has dementia. Crazy how they can be perfectly fine and the next day they cant remember who you are. Diving into it more and came across this info that is pretty interesting. Going to a Sauna a few times a week will help significantly: Current...
  4. Quinc


    "Telling people how to be a cryptocurrency trader is free low risk and very profitable"
  5. Quinc

    Everyone ready to ride the flood?!

    I just drove by the same creek in the video and it needs another 2ft. :(
  6. Quinc

    Everyone ready to ride the flood?!

    Well the storm here yesterday ended up just being like a normal rain with some wind. Nothing crazy and the creeks haven't flooded over yet. =/
  7. Quinc

    Anyone have a Dog/Dogs?

    My dog is about to kick it. 19 years old and starting to pee and poo while he is asleep. Any recommendations on a small/medium dog that is not too high energy? Mix is fine. Doesn't shed would be a plus. :)
  8. Quinc

    Anyone have a Dog/Dogs?

    Do you sell the JS or the SJ breads?
  9. Quinc

    Everyone ready to ride the flood?!

    Nope, the one creek is dry most of the year. About 4 hours from the ocean.
  10. Quinc

    Everyone ready to ride the flood?!

    All the news about the major storms coming to CA I finally got the ol' SJ back together and ready to go. Everyone else ready to ride your local parks and streams? :) Video from last time it flooded here:
  11. Quinc

    Sold Torrent 155

    If I could fit a 155 in any of my skis I would be all over this!
  12. Quinc

    Am I out of line on this ?

    Similar issue at an old job I had with people from India. I brought them in old spice deodorant and dove soap. They where happy I let them know. for your guy at work you should ask him if he rather not know, and you would want someone to discretly let you know.
  13. Quinc


    That sounds like a good idea.
  14. Quinc

    Time area targets

    Best thing is to save your time and money and just get a NOS kit for it. :)
  15. Quinc

    Time area targets

    More info for ya: Free porting templates:
  16. Quinc

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas! So merry we are here instead of spending time with our family's! :p
  17. Quinc

    Check in here and say hi!

    I believe there is a new years day ride happening there.
  18. Quinc

    62t 61x reverse engineering/billet machining

    Or he could spend the same effort on something that pays significantly more. Problem our sport faces. Luckily people like the guy doing the PJS stuff, torrent, and Waxhead are keeping parts availability alive. :)
  19. Quinc

    62t 61x reverse engineering/billet machining

    I talked to him a while back. He is building high end drag racing parts and put the pwc stuff on the back burner.
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