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  1. SkiDiggity

    WF picture thread

    so you have enough gas for what 2 laps tops? That thing must scream!
  2. SkiDiggity

    Time Crunch World Finals Trixstar Build

    Awesome honeycomb on the bottom. Looks fantastic!
  3. SkiDiggity

    Thinking of having JSS Rebuild my 62T stator

    Does he do 61x stators as well? How much do they run normally?
  4. SkiDiggity

    Wedding ceremony.... With a PWC twist!

    SO dreams do come true! haha That is awesome, always wanted to do something like that for my wedding, but the future wife would probably not approve.
  5. SkiDiggity

    Custom/Hybrid SuperJet Based Build Part 2: Rockered, Shortened, Widened Tray

    just amazing... keep up the good work! excited to see this thing finished and on the water!
  6. SkiDiggity

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    That is one awesome midshaft housing
  7. SkiDiggity

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    This thread has completely Back on topic!
  8. SkiDiggity

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    Bahahahahahaha!!!!!!! best one I have seen yet.
  9. SkiDiggity

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    honestly... that card works for everyone on this site... hahah
  10. SkiDiggity

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    Oh got it.. in that case.... perfect motor to begin with for sure
  11. SkiDiggity

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    post that motor on craigslist and just put (runs good) in the title. People will be all over it.
  12. SkiDiggity

    Making of the SNX Hull

    Dang too far for me hahah
  13. SkiDiggity

    Making of the SNX Hull

    Where are you in California? IF you are close we could always meet up!
  14. SkiDiggity

    Freestyle Bun hull build (maxx hull)

    That pump tunnel is so cool! awesome hull can't wait to see it when it is finished
  15. SkiDiggity

    JetLift Sneak Peaks of new Colors and Products.

    what is the price of one of those?
  16. SkiDiggity

    Freestyle Foto Phriday # 364

    headphones while riding? haha
  17. SkiDiggity

    Hydro turf Help!

    When I did mine I watched the video below before hand and i made a template out of tin foil and it work pretty well. Good luck!
  18. SkiDiggity

    Super Jet Pump carnage

    Can do! thanks for the advice will be tackling it next week
  19. SkiDiggity

    Super Jet Pump carnage

    Good tip. I was jut going to glue it in and hope for the best ahah so i will set it in there first and line everything up then glue it. Do you have to pull it out to glue it? how much do you use? just smear it all over the ski then push it on?
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