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  1. Marcgraham27

    Super Jet Xeons RN rebuild.3 inch top and bottom chop. Death to the pig.

    Looks great man!! You had to salvage the xft's eh!
  2. Marcgraham27

    Custom/Hybrid Canadian Freestyle ROK Rebuild

    the dual carbs looks sweet steve! Good luck on the test flight tm
  3. Marcgraham27

    Red Turf at WaveDaze WTB

    steve uk has a full sheet of red in stock
  4. Marcgraham27

    Freestyle MarcGraham's Canadian-Freestyle Build

    Thanks man!!... I went out for a test and tune today.. it went good with the rental 61x motor.. got her all tuned into the atp48 carb so it looks like i am good to go for wavedaze.
  5. Marcgraham27

    Surfriding Special Buy Gecko helmets at Wavedaze

    I had mine on today and I'm very happy with it.. You almost forget your wearing a helmet its so light
  6. Marcgraham27

    Freestyle MarcGraham's Canadian-Freestyle Build

    I have been slacking on the build thread but here are some updates.. i have gotten my tray all sealed up and turfed.. i used 4 layers of 10oz glass to glass my tray back in then i cut out the old 24/7 holds and glassed in the xmetal ones.. Check out the size difference in the picture that i...
  7. Marcgraham27

    Surfriding Ignition preferences

    I'm running a stock lightened flywheel..It's cheap, Reliable and works great
  8. Marcgraham27

    Surfriding Ignition preferences

    I went from a pro-tec modded box to the Epic and the difference is like night and day. It was like going from a stock exhaust to a bpipe.. I have had zero problems with it and the dual curve thing is kinda nice to play around with in the big waves. I'm not worried that the epic will fail but if...
  9. Marcgraham27


    it retails at the same price i dont see why he wouldn't if he brings lots
  10. Marcgraham27

    Other Dasa 850pv - which oil?

    i just ordered both dom. and inter. at my shop.. Amsoil talks about the Interceptor have lots of additives for PV applications
  11. Marcgraham27

    flatwater day this year?

    any other good close places for a test and tune flatwater day?
  12. Marcgraham27

    Custom/Hybrid Gen2 BOB build... Finally...

    Has there been any problems with the hood latch system blowing the hoods off the bobs?
  13. Marcgraham27

    D-roc's 96 Rn

    good luck on the water test tm man
  14. Marcgraham27

    D-roc's 96 Rn

  15. Marcgraham27

    Super Jet Pole Bolt thread size

    Thanks again guys!!
  16. Marcgraham27

    Super Jet Pole Bolt thread size

    Thanks guys, What im trying to do is shorten a sn bolt to fit on my rn.. im just trying to figure out what die size i need to use so i can resue the stock nuts
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