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  1. SurferSmurf

    How dirty will you go?

    i will add that cleveland can get bad but its not that often. once a summer maybe, we can get a storm that dumps that much rain that it overflows the sewage like that. and you skip riding for a week. its not a constant thing.
  2. SurferSmurf

    Protec c2 head question

    nope, i have a few damaged ones and two single with no match. nothin good.
  3. SurferSmurf

    How dirty will you go?

    oh i forgot we get bodies too. a few per year. usually not at the same time as the chit.
  4. SurferSmurf

    How dirty will you go?

    edgewater beach cleveland ohio. the city has a giant sewer overflow and usually after a big storm you can watch a river of human chit flow across the beach and into the water. its quite nasty to see foamed up turds, diapers and tampons and such floating in your ride area. needless to say there...
  5. SurferSmurf

    Protec c2 head question

    ill look tomorrow. the set i have now makes 165psi and i plan on going up. so these ones are gonna come out.
  6. SurferSmurf

    Protec c2 head question

    ill take a look.
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