oh dont get me wrong it can be done again. just please send me an invite. on a side note we had gas to make a big fireball but the forest was kinda dry and we thought it might piss of smokey the bear if we torched a couple thousand acres.
i have domes for that head if you know what size i can look in my box i have. the size is somewhere on the largest diameter on the side or back. i cant remember. its not easy to find. the domes need to be really clean.
thats what i was thinking but if someone has tried it and had an epic failure then i will go another route. has anyone done it with success, if so please chime in and give some info.
ok i got a question about what to use. do you use epoxy and a dye for the color or do you use the polyester gel coat that uscomposites sells. just curious cuz the polyester is the only gel coat they sell and i thought that polyester will not bond to epoxy.
FIRE!!!!! empty the tank in the tray and and torch it. i hate removing that chit. i have had to do it every year due to one BS thing or another. and im getting ready to defoam and do it again.
i work in a machine shop too, and i do all the cad/cam work and programing. i would never attempt to create what others have all ready done. you could never economically machine and build a billit engine. you would never get to leave the shop not to mention it costs money just to have those...
im in the same boat as you. my problem is there is only one hull so far that i really like and would buy but i need some serious cash for that....uuugghh... and thats not gonna happen anytime soon.
you can measure the outside diameter of the o ring groove and the width to get you size for the o ring. the groove is usually a little wider than the actual o ring. so if its a .075 wide groove the o riong would be like .062.
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