I'm sure there will be people there riding on Saterday. You can ride all day Sat. and half day on Sunday and still make it home at a decent time. Just a thought. :biggthumpup:
Also, my parents own a small Motel about 20 minutes from the practice area w/very resonable rates, heated pool...
Freestyler are more than welcomed to come along as well. PLENTY of room to go do what you like. There is a sand bar that runs along the northeast edge of the beach but there is deep water on the south side of the beach out a little ways.
:Banane01: :biggrin: We hope so. Good way to get to know some more riders as well. Should be a good time no matter what. Plus, we actually get to ride as well!!
Thanks guys. Should be a good way to get everyone ready for the upcoming race season. Our First tour stop is less than 2 months away and want everyone to be ready to represent from Region 7 this year at the Nationals and World Finals. You guys gonna be able to make it?? It would be cool to...
What: Region 7 HOT WATER TOUR April Fools Day Bash.
When: April 1st, 2007 (April Fools Day)
Where: St. Petersburg, Florida (Sunshine Skyway Fishing Pier Exit) Directions below.
Who: Anyone is invited to come, you do not have to be a racer to attend.
Cost: It's FREE!!
The Hot...
CONGRATS to Mike Serlin in Pro class….Hope that $200 at least covered a part of your bar tab over the weekend.
CONGRATS to Rob Crossley in Amateur class….Its going to be an awesome 2007 season make sure you come out to all the rounds
Let me start out by apologizing for not being there this...
Thanks Ronny!!
Can't wait to see the pics of the comp.
Oh, and the shirts looked good because they had a Bad Ass designing them.:Banane01: Thanks man..Good job.
Official results are:
Rob Crossley taking top honors in Amature with a super clean HUGE backflip that wowed us and the crowd and winning himself free entry in Amature Freestyle at all the 2007 Hot Water Tour events. Congradulations ROB!!
Mike Serlin took top honors in PRO with a near...
Leggdragger...thank you for the props. We had a blast putting the contest on and watching the best in the bizz going off!! They definetly made our job of judgeing the contest tough.
It was a killer weekend and we had a good time riding our skis in the surf and meeting everyone. HUGE THANK...
Its not to late to register for the "Sick Trick" challange. Anyone interested will be able to join the day of the event. Look for either Pete, Mike, Chase, or Paula that are going to be wearing a HOT WATER T-SHIRT.
We are giving away FREE HOT WATER TOUR T-SHIRTS for everyone that does...
Check out the link for the 2007 Hot Water Tour Classes. Let us know what you think or if you have suggestions.
Let the talk begin:biggrin: Waterfreak Im curious to see who your competition might be for next season.
Also, This is for all you freeriders out there. Check out the new page we just added to the site. http://www.hotwatertour.com/hw_info_surf_report.html :biggthumpup:
We are going to do our best to keep it as affordable as possible. I raced for a long time and i know exactly what every racer goes through with the costs of racing. Get on the mailing list for discounts and specials that we will do periodically throughout the season. You never know what your...
You going to the Daytona Freeride? If you are sign up for the "sick trick" challange and you can win free entry for a year to the 2007 Hot Water Tour. Its FREE!! www.hotwatertour.com
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