Hey guys anyone on here a powdercoating wizard? i tried to powdercoat my ada head lastnight with crappy results. I know that you have to hotcoat aluminum because it is not magnetic. But i am afraid to get the billet too hot? is this possible? i read somewhere that you can change the properties...
i'm not just giving it away you have gave me lots of good advice on the forum. so i consider it a trade. let me know if you have a way to get it back and its yours.
I have a ada head someone used ALOT of rtv on and i'm wanting to powdercoat it. the silicon is on the underside and i'm only powdercaoting the top but i dont want it to get all over the place when it melts in the oven. i got as much off with a razor blade as i can but cannot get in all the...
Is everyone using these at the invasion? if not what do you do with your ski when not riding? Anyone have one i can borrow? Hey mouthfulloflake. i can probabbly bring that hull to you for free if you want it still. the title and hin have been LOST:dunno:
thanks man. What did you use for washers under the hex heads? also my hardware came with a standard hex nut on the long girdle studs. will i need them if i get acorn nuts? i was wondering if they snugged up under the head to keep the studs from backing out?
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