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  1. swapmeet

    Head vs. Hood.... Call it a Draw

    I've had a helmet for a while and didn't wear it cause "I'm not doing anything to warrant a helmet..." at least thats what I told myself. I wore it for the first time last Sunday, but only for half the day. I didn't care for it because I couldn't hear as well, but nevermind that. I will wear it...
  2. swapmeet

    300/440/550 Need some advice on what to do next.

    I would point you towards Melmacks build. He went in a direction that leans towards your budget. Instead of doing a ton of glass work and buying a high dollar motor, he tried to extract as much as possible from the 1 cyl, and argued that his power to weight ratio is very similar to a reinforced...
  3. swapmeet

    Super Jet 701 SuperJet, Cant start, Explodes in exhaust, Wet sparks

    This is a long shot, but make sure the feed line and return line arn't swapped. My buddy had this happen and filled the cylinders with gas. After that would be needle and seat, remove flame arrestor and look down carb while cranking. See if you have a dribbler, replace needle and seat on...
  4. swapmeet

    Other If you could aford to do anything would you do this?

    Pretty intresting... even w/o the ski.
  5. swapmeet

    Super Jet Unmarked pilot jet? 650cc

    It was in DFW, don't know who cosander is though. It is a Yamaha. Unless someone suggests something else i'll try the 115. The main is a 74.5, which seems low, but i'm not going to question it until I ride it. Thanks for the help waternut.
  6. swapmeet

    Super Jet Unmarked pilot jet? 650cc

    Got a 650 with head, coffman pipe, possibly A/M impeller. Just bought ski, cleaning carb, lost pilot jet. I looked and looked (before I lost it) and could not find a size. Any suggestions?
  7. swapmeet

    Super Jet How do diagnose which bearing is dying

    I may or may not have been using a hammer and a appropriately sized pipe to install my bearings. :theyareontome: *edit* Got my new bearings in today, thanks Chris! So when you say 'don't push on the wrong spot', what is the correct spot?
  8. swapmeet

    Other If you built your own ski, what would you build

    Yeah, i'd like a FX1 thats almost as wide as a SJ, wider tray and 144 pump. So either shorten a SJ to FX1 length/ etc.... or make a FX1 wider, pump etc. Move the pole forward a little.
  9. swapmeet

    FX-1 Original FX-1 price

    That google book article is cool. 267lbs... huh... how bout that.
  10. swapmeet

    FX-1 fx1 impeller

    Might try the FX1 section or Flatwater Freestyle. The impeller on my last FX1 was a 17/23, not sure if it was a Solas. I found that it was not useful for low end anything. It had great top end though, it could almost keep up with my wifes B1. I don't know what a good pitch would be or whats...
  11. swapmeet

    Other Is this what is going to happen to the future of jet ski's?

    I like that one of the selling points is : Handy Really? LOL....
  12. swapmeet

    Super Jet How do diagnose which bearing is dying

    Midshaft? I have no idea. Its the one that came with the ski when I bought it from Brett. I bought a spare from Motoman96 because I know they're hard to come by, especially when you strip the splines out. And given my 'custom' driveshaft I figured being prepared is the best plan. No idea how old...
  13. swapmeet

    Super Jet How do diagnose which bearing is dying

    I'm not a "run it til' it breaks" kind of person LOL... just figured i'd throw that out there. I have not, I suspected that something has been amiss for awhile, but couldn't put my finger on it. I was riding Sunday and I heard a beautiful tune from a place that it shouldn't come from. It...
  14. swapmeet

    Super Jet How do diagnose which bearing is dying

    I have a 144 pump with fairly fresh bearings but i'm positive that my alignment is off. Getting a whirring sound from my pump area while riding. A local rider who's kind of my go to guy said its likely a bearing, could be one of the pump bearings, could be midshaft. Is it real obvious which...
  15. swapmeet

    Other I shouldn't do this, a craigslist tool

    This is what I use.
  16. swapmeet

    Extreme 1 year olds

    Very cool video. We have a 1 year old daughter who is tougher (see: meaner) than most of the kids in her school and we're having a boy in December. I hope he's as outgoing and fearless (to a point) as yours. Congrats! Looks like your doing a good job raising your kids.
  17. swapmeet

    Other Lake Boating

    ^^^ This....
  18. swapmeet

    Other NOt jet skis but bad aZZ

    Leave it to an expert to call you out! LOL... jk...
  19. swapmeet

    Freestyle extreme sports compilation

    Amazing... Thanks to Redbull for sponsoring and supporting talented indviduals and bringing their skils to to the world. On my best day i'll never have 1/10th of the skill that the least skilled person on that video has.
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