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  1. swapmeet

    Freestyle First Real BackFlip Attempts

    Good try's, intresting that you mention landing upside down. I'm very nervous about doing this, worried the skis gonna clobber me. I liked the editing, the "Instant Replay" thing was clever.
  2. swapmeet

    Other Wetbike

    Its much like riding a motorcycle, and most people who get around on two wheels have a easier time of it. You must lean to steer. The steering pushes back against the way you want to turn, If you can't hold it, it whips the other direction and it bucks you off. I had a minor concussion from that...
  3. swapmeet

    Super Jet Still Bogging... it can't be the carb....

    Rode it Sunday with 18psi pop off, dialed down the lss, zero effect on the bog. FWIW, When I first start it up, and pull away from the shore it feels pretty good (I almost think the last adjustment fixed the issue). As I ride it feels worse. As I type this I realize that sounds like a exhaust...
  4. swapmeet

    Super Jet Still Bogging... it can't be the carb....

    Ok, working on the ski right this second. My current pop off is 30psi. I have a gold 115g spring and a 2.0 needle and seat. I'm going to give the 65g shiny silver spring a shot. With a very slight tweak of the arm, I get 18psi. PSI, do ya'll think that's low enough? Or too low? I'll try it...
  5. swapmeet

    Super Jet Still Bogging... it can't be the carb....

    I pressure tested my engine once before during this ordeal. It held ~12PSI for 15 min. I don't remember the exact PSI or the time but it held. Should I test it again you think?
  6. swapmeet

    Super Jet Still Bogging... it can't be the carb....

    I don't think it has (61x), mainly because the engine hits a 'wall' and won't rev past that spot. Does that make sense? If you cavitate or unload the pump, it winds up and launches, which further leads me to believe the impeller may be the culprit. I don't have a tach, so as much as I would...
  7. swapmeet

    Super Jet Still Bogging... it can't be the carb....

    Tom, I respect your knowledge, but I don't understand what I've said for you to take this tone with me. I don't want to prove anyone wrong. I want my ski to work. It would appear that you determined to prove that your right. Nobody here except Dragginblazer has actually ridden my ski, reved the...
  8. swapmeet

    Super Jet Still Bogging... it can't be the carb....

    I will try to call you Tom if work allows. I understand what all of you are saying, and agree to some point. But I don't have anyone locally who will look at my ski besides this guy, Its Dales Jet Sports, if any of you have heard of him. He used to race standups etc and has been in business...
  9. swapmeet

    Super Jet Still Bogging... it can't be the carb....

    Ok got it back from the ski shop today. They're saying its over propped. Carbs fine, doesn't do anything that suggests any motor issues (pretty much what I already thought, but this confirms it.) I'm running a Skat 12-17 swirl, but the motors ported so who knows. The owner of the shop described...
  10. swapmeet

    Anyone try XFT set back ENGINE

    It may require an custom driveshaft, but you could do the 'poor man's setback pump' by adding a wear ring in front of your existing wear ring. I think it gives you 3". But then you have to move the rear most mounting holes towards the front. Maybe section a wear ring down? I always...
  11. swapmeet

    F1 Boat backflip

    The F1 boat backie is dead IMO... LMAO! Cool vid.
  12. swapmeet

    Other Loud exhaust, not making any friends aroumd the lake

    I would probably talk to the guy, but don't be a b!tch about it. Explain to him that you'll try to be more aware of how loud your ski is around the dock area or whatever, but suggest that he be more polite the next time he has a issue. Speaking of obnoxious pipes. For some reason I thought...
  13. swapmeet

    FX-1 please help me guys

    Jetmaniac hood strap. $35... problem solved.
  14. swapmeet


    Damn you stole both of those!!! What a find.... I just threw away all my stock purple bits because I didn't think anyone would ever want it. I woulda given it all to you for shipping cost. Post up in the Fx1 section, somebody will have one. I would do the purple marble turf maybe, just to...
  15. swapmeet

    Other So ya wanna ride in Fresh water?

    Nope, not new. My test lake is a cooling lake for a power plant. It is very suspect for this bacteria. They won't let people swim in the lake, but you can boat, ski etc. I did a lot of research about the bacteria. I think the name is Negleria... I'm on my phone, can't research. But if you...
  16. swapmeet

    Other 300sx with 701

    Thats awesome... diggin how clean everything is.
  17. swapmeet

    FX-1 Fx1 falls flat at full throttle

    Whatever you've done to your post its nearly impossible to read. Sounds like the carb is leaning out. Fuel Filter, dirty carb etc would be my guess.
  18. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid How much would it cost to reproduce one carbon version of my hull.

    Pulled from the other thread... Did he ever say he wanted to mass market the hull? No... Did he say he wanted to sell even one? Nope... He wants to build a lighter version of the hull he already has and is happy with. Amongst all your judging and disrespect you lost sight of the intital...
  19. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid How much would it cost to reproduce one carbon version of my hull.

    What I wanted to mention yesterday, but the thread was locked... When you click "submit reply" It also says "Be Respectful" I think you might have missed that D-Roc.
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