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  1. snowxr

    Solas mag pump in XFS - some questions

    Check that your pump seal and pump shoe are both in good condition. And cracks/ splits/ gaps will cause cavitation.
  2. snowxr

    Freestyle We Are Officially Screwed Now!!!

    At last, a routine without constant brapping and endless backflips. I could make do with a little less handlebar f:censored:king, though.
  3. snowxr

    Surfriding 8 vein magnum pump

    Idok, I built the 18 vane, and another 12 vane for a friend. (So, I guess I'm building pumps for friends now??) If you really want a 9 I can supply it.
  4. snowxr

    MX100 Factory

    LOL @2:05 Look ma, no ski! Great video edit, and nice riding.
  5. snowxr

    Other eme

    Fixed it for ya.
  6. snowxr

    Other eme

    The negative feedback threads are posted for informational purposes. It's a warning to others about the offending party, and nothing more. Most negative feedback posts start life in the proper area of this site, but some (like EME's) got started in the general section, and needed to be moved.
  7. snowxr

    Cervelo tt bike for sale

    2006 aluminum frame?
  8. snowxr

    Other Live chat?

    Chat was a big flop. It might go well over on pwctoday, though.
  9. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    More fries! Nom nom nom nom.....More MORE!!
  10. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    Tater frier! Sounds like a party fo sho! I love me some deep fried food (and bacon). Deep Fried Freeride here we come!
  11. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    Exactly 37. I'm working on a 36 vane. I'm going to re-route the flow to a chinpad drinking fountain. Style, baby. Who needs speed when you have style...
  12. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    Ooops, forgot the tater prices. Wedges are $1.49 @ KFC Steak fries $1.99 @ your local steak house McDonalds fries are $2.49 (super size) @ McDonalds Hash browns are $2.99 @ your local diner Tater pumps are not FDA approved, and currently not available to the public. (unless some sneeky...
  13. snowxr

    best intake grate

    The intake grate choice realy depends on your riding preferance with the 08+ hull. For freestyle and aggressive grate is best. For speed and carving a less aggressive grate is better. We at developed our Freestyle grate ($139) using the 08 hull (and others) for development, AND we...
  14. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    Good news! Now we can have our potatos any way we like them. 6 vane for wedges, 9 vane for steak fries, 12 vanes for the perfect McDonald's fries, and (drum roll please) 18 VANES producing the worlds most amazing hash browns. You heard it here first (If you read aloud). 18 is the new 12. Now...
  15. snowxr

    Other Crank bearing help?

    You screwed yourself over. Waiting 3 days is bad, and using a hose to flush your cooling isn't needed for starting the ski for a short time (up to 30sec. is fine). NEVER turn the hose on if the ski isn't running. Dissasemble the motor now (YES, RIGHT NOW AS SOON AS YOU STOP READING THIS...
  16. snowxr

    Freestyle Power Factor water box quality

    $20?!? My local certified welder won't even turn the machine on for $20! But I guess when they don't have a waterbox to send you for a month, you'll take what you can get.
  17. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid XS 510 custom build

    Oh No!! It's a highroller creation? Pshhhhk..Uh, Houston? We have a problem. :raincloud:
  18. snowxr

    Super Jet Need a chin pad!!

    We have a classified section with a parts wanted area for JUST this reason. Good luck.
  19. snowxr

    Super Jet what type of cylinder is this?

    REALLY? You have a 1 2 3 cylinder??? Wow that's a super rare and special cylinder.
  20. snowxr

    Other Twist Throttle?

    Bad idea. A friend tried it years ago, and it made the ski very difficult to safely ride. Throttle control was nearly impossible due to the amount of movement between the rider/ pole/ steering/ waves. Even a minor slip where you might hold onto the bars, instead of letting the ski go would...
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