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  1. snowxr

    Other can some identify this pump?

    That pump fits all Kawasaki 650 powered jet skis. It's a popular choice for FX-1 conversions, too.
  2. snowxr

    Freestyle Watcon BB ported cylinders

    Oops, must have been thinking about the wrong top end. ADA's cylinder is the kit I was thinking of.
  3. snowxr

    Freestyle Watcon BB ported cylinders

    This setup can run very good, but it's a KIT that a pro engine builder will have to assemble. It needs to be ported and requires machining that most people cannot do at home. FWIW just buy a Dasa SS850 or Team Scream ss865/900. You'll spend less in the long run.
  4. snowxr

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro carbon hood options?

    Good luck getting that light. My carbon SXIpro hull weighed 250Lbs complete with carbon hood and rideplate. Knowing what I learned from that build, I could build a new version that's a 5-10Lbs lighter. I'm not sure you could get that light with a stock hull.
  5. snowxr

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro carbon hood options?

    I have a very lightweight fiberglass PJS sxi race hood, if you want to buy one. I think it weights about 13Lbs. I also have an unassembled light fiberglass hood, that I'd make a deal on, since it needs to be assembled. It was a set of test parts from a mold we made carbon hoods in about 12yrs. ago.
  6. snowxr

    Other MI winter ride.

    The area around the hothole and harbor are all fenced off and/or private property. I scoped out the whole area a couple years ago while looking for a better place to launch from. Even the old "doglady island" park is closed and gated. Too bad, since that was the only place I found that look...
  7. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    I do aggree that I'm putting too much weight on my wrists. I've progressively moved my seat more foreward, and the problem seems to dissapate a little when I do. Bar height and grips are both very comfortable, so I'm looking for a more upright seating position.
  8. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    Well then.....I know what I must do. It's time to order up a Sette Amp saddle along with a new seatpost with a little less offset. Hopefully this will keep my junk and hands from going numb.
  9. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    I've decided that I don't really like my Bontrager gel saddle. My brother has suggested that I get a much more narrow saddle, on the premise that my hips will retain better alignment and relieve much of my discomfort. Any thoughts/suggestions?
  10. snowxr

    MI winter ride!!

    And where are you going to find liquid water to launch your ski???
  11. snowxr

    Other Has anyone else had NGK plug failure (ceramic coming loose from base)?

    After working at a NGK stocking dealer for many years and then moving to a NGK distributor, I saw no more than 2 insulator failures - until 2008. After the beginning of 2008 I began to see MANY failures where the porcelin came loose from the metal. I'm leaning toward quality control problems...
  12. snowxr

    Super Jet Different ebox gaskets

    Are you sure the bolt pattern is different? The bolt pattern isn't going to match if you flip the seal the wrong way.
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