Search results

  1. snowxr

    Eric Malone's Famous Dock Hop

    To be completely truthful, he said "We'll get it done". I think he owes me a second attempt. maybe a third if he needs it. :stups: For now I say "FAIL" (I just refuse to be a suck-up) but I like that he tried it with inadequate equipment ( c'mon, a 25ft. tape measure?? sheesh..). I'll give...
  2. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    Oh completely worse. On a ski you can swap pole, grate, and pipes with a small number of choices. Then look at a bike - 100+ styles of cranks, pedals, gearsets, BB's forks, tires/rims, seats, insert brain hemorage here............ And forget about wheels! :shooter3:
  3. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    I went off the deep end, and spent bunch of money on bike parts. The new seat and seatpost snowballed into a full systems upgrade. Forks were upgraded to Marzocchi 44 airs, shock is now air with lockout, and Friday my Clarks Skeletal brakes showed up from the U.K. Now I just need to cool it...
  4. snowxr

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro SBT Motors?

    What did that have to do with anything??
  5. snowxr

    Super Jet Weld exhaust Manifold ?

    Was the crack only on the inside?? If so, I'm thinking that the bolt holding the headpipe was a little too long.
  6. snowxr

    Super Jet Can't buy nose foam?

    I've made my own with 2-part foam. It works, but won't last forever. Pool noodles do work well, and you can cram a lot in the nose.
  7. snowxr

    Thinking of building a ski

    That craigslist seller is BS. Yamaha doesn't sell crate motors.
  8. snowxr

    Super Jet **06 yfz 450 trade for rn sj**

    Try using the CLASSIFIED section, and you might get some responces.
  9. snowxr

    Other Like button poll

    Don't like
  10. snowxr

    Other Prop pitch?

    Degrees. 13degree starting pitch / 18 degree ending pitch.
  11. snowxr

    Other Like button poll

    Changed? More like ruined! Facebook is for anti-social attention whores who can't go out in the world to make REAL friends. More like " I read it and have absolutely nothing of interest to interject, but I'll waste some bandwidth".
  12. snowxr

    Freestyle Fiberglass

    Yeah, we've been doing that for years.
  13. snowxr

    Super Jet mag pump

    Are you saying the Ebay seller isn't reliable?? I'm pretty sure he's an X member who's been around a long time.
  14. snowxr

    Super Jet Need a measurement from a 96-07 sj pump

    I think it's called comparrison shopping. :shrug:
  15. snowxr

    Other facebook style like button

    I'd prefer a "Don't Like" button.
  16. snowxr

    Surfriding what intake grate to buy

    XR-tech Freestyle grate.
  17. snowxr

    Super Jet Need a measurement from a 96-07 sj pump

    So, um what kind of prop were you measuring the shafts with? I have a couple props here that are different lengths. :reporter:
  18. snowxr

    Other Wet layup composites, is carbon even worth it?

    WFO, vac bagging reinforcements to the tray or the insides of a hull are rather simple. no mold is needed.
  19. snowxr

    Flight Plan

    I ordered myself some new forks this week. Jones'n to ride. Thinking about a weekend trip to Ray's in Cleveland. Anyone else want to go? Looks like fun!
  20. snowxr

    Other Wet layup composites, is carbon even worth it?

    My personnal oppinion (after building my own carbon hulls, and numerous other composite parts) is that if you're not going to vac bag or compression mold your layup, don't waste your money on expensive carbon or kevlar cloth. You'll never come close to the intended strength or resin to cloth...
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