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  1. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    Update time: I finally got around to installing my new forks, shock, brakes, etc. The marzocchi 44 tst2 Air forks went on fairly easily. I just had to cut the steerer tube to length, which led me to buy a set of carbon spacer rings so that I'll have some height adjustment available. The...
  2. snowxr

    Super Jet Superjet questions

    Actually, the cranks ARE different. They can be interchanged, though! The 650 crank has a small hollow section which makes it just a tiny bit lighter than a true 701/760 crank.
  3. snowxr

    Surfriding Kevins Area 51 super surf hull TWEEKER X-TREME build ....... maybe

    And here I thought you were a level 8.6 samorai.....pshhhh, ninja. Work on your clamping skills, and we'll talk about an honorary induction to the dojo. Anyway, things arefinally coming together nicely. Can't you just layer up a ton of underpadding to replace the pink foam? Softest footholds...
  4. snowxr


    We had a nice snowstorm friday night/Sat morning, so I got to ride (finally). Last week there was barely enough snow to ride on, and Saturday we saw snow depths over 30" in many places. Glad I have a long track. It was awesome!
  5. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Homemade adjustable footholds...need some ideas.

    Happy? Heck, I was happy when Eric Roy was still competing on s SN and barrel rolling with a piece of plastic chain holding him in the tray.
  6. snowxr

    Freestyle What is a flow guard??

    The cutout is to allow the driveline/grate/rideplate to be serviced while the rest of the bottom is protected from the stand it's resting on.
  7. snowxr

    Super Jet Superjet cheater exhaust????????????????????????

    I would keep the Pro-tec, unless you have an extra $700 to spend on a B-pipe.
  8. snowxr

    Other How do you feel about $1/for sale thread?'s system is ok, but that site is "for profit", too. That's Francis' full time job. X-H2o should be self supporting, but it's been stated that you're not trying to make a profit. IMO, you've put over 6yrs into this site and deserve a little reward now and then. I fully understand...
  9. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Homemade adjustable footholds...need some ideas.

    Oh good lord, Terry. No more references to "back in my day", please. (Or Suzi will keep calling you :smashfreakB:) Back on topic, you may want to look into sailboat parts. Our boats all have had nice track systems for quickly adjusting position of components.
  10. snowxr

    Other How do you feel about $1/for sale thread?

    How about making the for sale section part of a yearly $10 subscription? A lot more people would be willing to pay to subsribe to get more PM storage, no ads, AND selling priveleges.
  11. snowxr

    Super Jet Is there anywere that has tq specs for the old 650's?

    Just look at your engine. They are cast into most of the parts.
  12. snowxr

    Super Jet Superjet cheater exhaust????????????????????????

    It works ok, but not nearly as good as a B-pipe. The "cheater pipe" is not simply a stock 650 kaw pipe. They are typically bored out, lengthened, and have the water routing reworked. If you have the needed parts and ability to make it work, try it. It you need to buy everything, just go...
  13. snowxr

    Other How do you feel about $1/for sale thread?

    I'm sure you mods have better things to do with your time. Keep things simple. Even a user aggreement for posting in classifieds would help. Violate user aggreement, visit Suzi.
  14. snowxr

    Other How do you feel about $1/for sale thread?

    Good new, Jett! You'll finally be able to retire. ChaCHING!
  15. snowxr

    Other How do you feel about $1/for sale thread?

    The $1 idea sounds good on the surface, but would be very hard to manage. What's to stop someone from continually bumping a single thread while adding new items each time? IMO a one time yearly charge would be much easier to implement, and could carry a user aggreement stipulating a users policy.
  16. snowxr

    2000 Polaris indy Snowmobile 1800obo

    You're right about one thing. You know nothing about it. That's a 1992 Indy 500 in the posted picture. The "floorboards" (tunnel) are made of aluminum, so they never rust. 60-70 studs means that it was not studded properly, or there are a bunch missing.
  17. snowxr

    Freestyle XMW Vs RRP Pole Bracket Swap

    As for the brackets, they likely have the same basic mounting holes on their 4 corners. Everything else may be different, and the RRP has bigger tubes. The XMW bracket would cover up the holes, and the tubes should fit nicely in the bracket without having to do any glass work.
  18. snowxr

    Other A lot of new companies, what's up with the undercutting?

    Huh? I thought Tubbies were the big knock off story. But why are we talking about knock offs in the undercutting prices thread?? Mental note: start knock off thread to duscuss ripping off tubbies, brap straps, RRP poles, 440's, stunt hulls, 24/7 hoods, footholds, GRS carbs, skat pumps, holy...
  19. snowxr

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro SXI-PRO Factory Dry Pipe & ECWI Question

    Need? no. Need for best performance? Yes!
  20. snowxr

    Freestyle Can somebody,anybody please get me the width and length of an xfs

    I for one would be very interested in buying a new hull from a builder who's done no testing before production. I hope this is in the right font. :pancake:
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