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  1. snowxr

    Other Life Jackets options

    If your traditional life vest slides up in the water, it's too big or isn't adjusted properly. There should be a small gap between the front sections, and the straps should be pretty snug fit - holding the vest tight against your body. There should be no overlapping pads. I have a number of...
  2. snowxr

    Blaster New on the site have a couple questions

    PSI pipes were known for cracking a lot. They perform ok, but not as good as a nice Factory pipe.
  3. snowxr

    what carb is this?

    Mikuni BN 44
  4. snowxr

    Other American Hydro Ski

    I remember when they were on the market. I think it was around 88/89. Didn't last, obviously. Nice that they came with Jettrim, though.
  5. snowxr

    Super Jet What is this? - Tubbies?

    WDK made the clear sponsons, which were very similar in function to the R&D sponsons. They served their purpose, but newer designs perform better.
  6. snowxr

    Super Jet What is this? - Tubbies?

    They do NOT hang below the hull. Having them hang below the hull would not handle well or be allowed for racing. These were made before tubbies, and were not meant for freestyle. 96-07 RN hulls handled a little better at high speeds, but not as good as they do with wider sponsons.
  7. snowxr

    Super Jet help

    You can't PM untill you have reached a minimum number of posts. You have 2 posts.
  8. snowxr

    Other Jarule died in Jetski accident

    That picture looks staged to me. The seat is perfect, as well as the hood. The topdeck looks like it was cut into a number of parts, and peeled off the hull.
  9. snowxr

    Super Jet What is this? - Tubbies?

    I'm fairly sure they are R&D front racing sponsons. They don't need to be filled. Just screw and bond them to your hull.
  10. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    Gil, one end was your half. #1 rule about your half: We never talk about your half.
  11. snowxr

    Super Jet Ported 760 vs ported 61x

    That sounds like an awesome idea! I can't believe that no pro engine builders have thought of doing this... Sounds too good to be true, just hope I'm using the right font :Thinkingof_:
  12. snowxr

    Freestyle Pump shoe repair? One left at sale price.
  13. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    Oh great, now I need to make pots and pans, too. :chairfall:
  14. snowxr

    Video's - post them up.

    That's how I look when i ride - super slow. At least that's how it feels.
  15. snowxr

    Other DJ deadmau5 jetski clinic the untold story

    North America, South America......Whatever it takes.
  16. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    Fo Sho, Gil. Besides, it's not a product. It's just something I built for fun. Yeah, I need to get out more. And now a word from our sponsor: "Receptacle" Now back to the show.
  17. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    How about Ginsu vanes? They'll cut a potato (and a tin can). But wait, there's more! Call now and we'll throw in teflon coated cookware.....
  18. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    Now that you ask, Yes I have! I tested it @ 0 rpm. Results were inconclusive.
  19. snowxr

    Super Jet XR-tech 12vane pump

    3 is the magic number. Just sayin':dunce:
  20. snowxr

    Super Jet Identify these engine mounts

    I use couch mounts, but machine them down to fit properly.
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