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  1. snowxr

    Other Stand up jet ski are the past, this is the future!!!! :)

    It looks like great strength training (for bending over and taking it from your boyfriend).
  2. snowxr

    Super Jet I give up... Solas pump help PLEASE

    I made my own 12 vane (at home) and it fits. How did Solas screw up so bad??
  3. snowxr

    Super Jet any info on ada 850 cylinder???

    ADA makes a couple billet cylinder kits. They both require stroker cranks and come unported, and unassembled. They need to have the sleeves installed, then bored to size. Not a do it yourself kit, but with the right investment in time/labor/parts they can be built into a great engine. IMO...
  4. snowxr

    Updated: got a 26" full susp. instead of 29"

    Now that I've had some more time to dial in the bike, here's another update. The forks are awesome, the shock is ok, but I'm still trying to get it truly dialed in to my liking. The new seat is actually pretty good, which I'm very happy about. Now about those Clarks Skeletal brakes..... THEY'RE...
  5. snowxr

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Have you ever had this"

    x2 The driveline is stuck.
  6. snowxr

    Surfriding Kevins Area 51 super surf hull TWEEKER X-TREME build ....... maybe

    Retire? Wow, Congress must be buying Superfreaks now.
  7. snowxr

    Other Selling portions of x-h2o

    Post a link, then give some mouse a reach around for a couple weeks.
  8. snowxr

    Surfriding Aluminum Hull

    Yep, I was right. Crazy talk. All crazy talk.
  9. snowxr

    Other RRP Products

    That's the canadian exchange rate for ya. 4 bolts for every five purchased.
  10. snowxr

    Other Selling portions of x-h2o

    Another 5000 posts? Matt E better get to work.
  11. snowxr

    Surfriding 8 vein magnum pump

    That certainly makes it an easy project.... I'm torn. Do I assemble the 18-vane this week, or just a 9? Life's troubles...
  12. snowxr

    Surfriding Aluminum Hull

    Surf riding (salt water) with an aluminum hull?? crazy talk.
  13. snowxr

    Surfriding 8 vein magnum pump

    Seriously thinking about that 9-vane again. :scratchchin: Idok, does your FXpro use a SJ or FX-1 driveshaft?? Inquireing minds want to know...
  14. snowxr

    Other funny 29er vid

    Lou, you jumped to 29's JUST in time for 27.5 to be the new bandwagon. :17:
  15. snowxr

    FX-1 AC Racing Aluminum Handle Pole

    All the stock parts will work with the correct model AC pole.
  16. snowxr

    Super Jet 650 SJ B-pipe or anyother pipe

    I have a new FPP SJ 650 chamber, if anyone wants the correct piece for their ski
  17. snowxr

    Freestyle Whats up whitey??

    I can live with this. At least we aren't looking at some nazi propaganda. :beerchug:
  18. snowxr

    Super Jet what kind of water box is this?

    It's a Factory pipe SN waterbox. No doubt.
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