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  1. snowxr

    Super Jet RN SJ -2" Fast Elements, DASA, Skat Mag, Cold Fusion Build up

    Brian, are you running resistor spark plugs and caps? Epics need both. I had some problems with one, and found out that my coil was going bad.
  2. snowxr

    What intake grate for XFS?

    XR-tech Freestyle grate works awesome on Rickters.
  3. snowxr

    Freestyle Dry suit vs wet suit

    So, you like my sweater? Sorry the vest is blocking most of it from view. It's really a glorious site, and makes women weep.
  4. snowxr

    Freestyle Dry suit vs wet suit

    Kevin, I found the perfect lube to help you in and out of your drysuit AND there's a bonus feature - it makes you warm. It's just for warming up cold p:censored:ssys - when the temps drop below 45 degrees, lol.
  5. snowxr

    Other Guess my season is about over.....

    You need a winter home (and a badazz sled)
  6. snowxr

    Freestyle Dry suit vs wet suit

    When it gets really cold here I wear my wetsuit inside my Yamaha drysuit. :-)It's pretty thin, and doesn't restrict movement at all. The top and bottom halves meet with a couple bands of rubbery material that get folded/rolled together to create a seal. :-)
  7. snowxr

    Anyone ride with a dry suit?

    I've always worn my wetsuit under my drysuit. I always seem to get water seeping past the cuffs. Besides, I refuse to own sweat pants. :dance:
  8. snowxr

    Freestyle DASA upping the cc

    What's next? 159mm 16 vane mag pumps in yam + kaw housings with 4 blade props?
  9. snowxr

    Other i just got the coolest birthday cake.....

    Nice! :-)Was the cake to small for your age?? :-)
  10. snowxr

    Super Jet fixed steer square nose

    X2 :-)a cup shaped wire wheel on a die grinder is fast, but messy. Wear safety glasses and a dust mask.:-)
  11. snowxr

    Other Seabreacher

    I only have one thing to say about that. SSSSssssamba!
  12. snowxr

    Super Jet Where to buy 86 mm pistons

    I have a set of 86mm wiseco's that are very close. The locator pins for the rings would need to be moved to match the ports, though.
  13. snowxr

    Other Lost skier in holland michigan

    Kevin is a good rider, and all around decent guy. I'm hoping for the best, but fearing the worst for his family.
  14. snowxr

    Other Lost skier in holland michigan

    This can't be good. Where were his friends?
  15. snowxr

    Surfriding whoops!

    These guys might be onto something. Time to build a crash cage around your nozzle.
  16. snowxr

    Surfriding whoops!

    You know what you must do. Get the matches and gasoline.
  17. snowxr

    The Front Flip

    I think the only chance anyone has of doing the front flip will be riding down the face of a big wave, and getting sucked to the top of the wave when it's starting to curl. If the lip can rotate and push the ski out, there's a chance of doing a front flip. Good luck landing and riding out...
  18. snowxr

    Freestyle ijsba live

    Maybe the lacluster performances by U.S. riders is due to something else. Look at all the distractions we have on a daily basis. Work, women, kids, 900 cable channels, bars, concerts, sports, etc. etc. the list goes on. Perhaps the guys that gave the best performances worked the hardest, and...
  19. snowxr

    Super Jet Hull shortening questions

    Fixed it for ya. :phone: oops, you forgot Bobby's number 321-704-9276
  20. snowxr

    Freestyle What aftermarket hulls for kawisaki components

    EME Q8, WDK Envy, trininy evo, Bob 1 (maybe bob 2 as well)
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