OK, I've been on your side for this read here Matt, if someone else can do it then maybe you can too. Agreed on that point. BUt you just very clearly illustrated that you have no real surf riding experience. A boat will not hold a wave in that location, nor a surfer for that matter. If by...
It's doubtful this new generation remembers me or my Tales of the Tour articles that appeared in Splash Magazine and JetDreams Japan during my racing tenure in the 90s.
Regardless, the Blowsion Brainchild does, and has convinced me that I need to bring the Tales back for his groundbreaking...
Well guys, looks like the deal is done. There will be a return of Tales of the Tour, but since Im not touring anymore I think Im going to call the new column 'Chasing Tales" The first series will be based around my return to racing at this years SurfSlam. Check in here for a link to the...
Alright all you keyboard slappers. Here's a special gift from the time warp vault at Certified Insane. A genuine piece of jetski history. The very first Tales of the Tour Cartoon that began my illustrious personal watercraft journalism career back in 1992. Vintage $hit for you Stand-Up...
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