Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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This wave will eat you for lunch.

Well I would clearly ride that....and that is not even being cocky at all.....especially with you guys and your 6-20 second intervals -vs- our 2 to 6 second intervals on waves that big.
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OK, I've been on your side for this read here Matt, if someone else can do it then maybe you can too. Agreed on that point. BUt you just very clearly illustrated that you have no real surf riding experience.

I have tons of surf riding experience......I said no surfing on a surf board experience. Which I don't want or need.
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steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Hey Matt....try this one for size. This is Serlin at Surf Slam. Biggest sets were maybe 25ft. Someone correct me if I am wrong.



Ride for life
North NJ
I think madmat should turn pro and show everyone how big wave riding is easy. Maybe WDK will give you another taco shell hull as sponsership
Hey Matt....try this one for size. This is Serlin at Surf Slam. Biggest sets were maybe 25ft. Someone correct me if I am wrong.


I would be miserable but I would go out and ride in it if others were.

I don't recall saying it would be easy.
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I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
Well I would clearly ride that....and that is not even being cocky at all.....especially with you guys and your 6-20 second intervals -vs- our 2 to 6 second intervals on waves that big.

I'm sure you would - and I would too - but my point had nothing to do with whether or not you'd ride it, but rather that that wave is going to make you it's bitch if it gets ahold of you. Size and power are very different things all together.

Daytona 2-3 years ago had some sizable surf - but it was flat out powerless. You could hang out the back of the tray and watch a breaking wave roll by. Surf with power like in the picture Andrew posted is something entirely different. Not only will waves like that suck you right up the face and slam you into the sea floor, but they have an uncanny ability to grab hold of you and pull you over the falls even after your a seemingly safe distance behind them.

Longer intervals definitely help for the confidence levels, but they don't mean a whole lot when the waves kicking your ass actually have the power to hold you under. Taking a white wash bath in 2 second interval wind swell sucks, but being pinned on the ocean floor by a dumping, powerful 10-12 footer is downright frightening (without even taking into account the waves knocking on the door).

That spitting beast that andrew posted is not something to be :):):):)ed with - don't let it's lack of resemblance to multi-story buildings fool you.
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I think everyone needs to relax and walk away from the keyboard for a few minutes.

For the record, there is no one more knowledgeable about surf or waves on this board than Andrew.

I almost drowned at the Nellscott Classic when I blew a flip during a demo we did at a tow surf event there. Darin Anderson literally saved me after I took three waves on the head, I was done. The only reason I was pushing at all is because Darin and I were watching each other very closely. I think they called surf for that event at 25-30 feet. And where were was probably a pretty solid and dumping 20ft on set. There is no way to explain the kind of power waves like that have. Blowsion Surf Slam was pretty big, but not nearly as powerful as Nellscott.

I have known MadMatt for a while, and I like him. And I think to some extent, at this point he is just :):):):)ing with you guys to get a reaction. If he is 100% serious, then it is only because he has just not been there. And there is no way to explain that kind of power to someone who has not been there.
LOL....I am not F'ing with anyone. I honestly believe I can ride anything ridable and survive....or die.

Maybe someday I will get to see if I am full of chit or not but nothing else has scared me away in life. Well....except FMX......even in my best days and my sickest air I would never have had the nuts to go for a giant backy like these MADMEN are doing now!
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