This wave will eat you for lunch.
Well I would clearly ride that....and that is not even being cocky at all.....especially with you guys and your 6-20 second intervals -vs- our 2 to 6 second intervals on waves that big.
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This wave will eat you for lunch.
OK, I've been on your side for this read here Matt, if someone else can do it then maybe you can too. Agreed on that point. BUt you just very clearly illustrated that you have no real surf riding experience.
Hey Matt....try this one for size. This is Serlin at Surf Slam. Biggest sets were maybe 25ft. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
I think madmat should turn pro and show everyone how big wave riding is easy. Maybe WDK will give you another taco shell hull as sponsership
I would be miserable but I would go out and ride in it if others were.
Lake waves don't count...
Well I would clearly ride that....and that is not even being cocky at all.....especially with you guys and your 6-20 second intervals -vs- our 2 to 6 second intervals on waves that big.
so your saying u would ride this wave?
I think everyone needs to relax and walk away from the keyboard for a few minutes.
Yeah Ross what do you know? I bet you don't even have a wireless keyboard !
Yeah Ross what do you know? I bet you don't even have a wireless keyboard !