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  1. crammit442

    Rough tuning...Am I getting anywhere

    I hate to say it, but you're missing MOST of the advantage of TL if you're timing is fixed at 18 deg.:frown: You'd actually probably make better power with an enhancer and a light flywheel. On a happier note, that manifold rocks, huh?:biggthumpup: Charles
  2. crammit442

    701 Ported Cylinders Wamilton/JRMagoo/Riva?

    Another vote for Jetworks!:biggthumpup: Charles
  3. crammit442

    cooling problems

    Check out the Jetworks restrictors. They work well and come with 3 different size restrictors. The part about leaving the water in longer to transfer heat is not right. If you were trying to heat the water instead of cool the motor, that would be correct.:biggrin: Charles
  4. crammit442

    CG Racing

    No doubt. Chuck is a good guy!:biggthumpup: Charles
  5. crammit442

    Hot Products Price List

    Check with Chuck at CGracing here on the board. Also, Jetworks is awesome!:biggthumpup: Charles
  6. crammit442

    Who's SJ hits the hardest.

    When your mag pump comes in and you get the Polaris monster fully dialed, we may be looking at a new benchmark. I believe you've only scratched the surface of what it may put out. Especially once the displacement gets up there. I'm glad you've let me help out a bit on it.:biggthumpup: I...
  7. crammit442

    dented tnt

    I guess you're right about adding a disclaimer. I don't believe I'd think much of the dent, but it would have been more accurate to mention it.:smile: Charles
  8. crammit442

    dented tnt

    The one I've got is dented in EXACTLY the same locations. I don't believe it was mis-represented. It looks like to me it's a used pipe in great condition. If you'll polish it, it'll be much less noticeable. Charles
  9. crammit442

    Head cooling fitting

    1/8" NPT x 3/8" barb. Charles
  10. crammit442

    Bring Cash!!!!!!!

    Briefly. The TL system is yours Jett. The guy(freeride05) that bought it from you decided not to run it last year so I did. He's coming down next weekend to install it on his new boat. From you to him to me and back to him.:biggthumpup: It's definitely staying in the family. Still working...
  11. crammit442

    Replaced my plug wires last night

    They are resistor wires. They wouldn't be suited well for replacement on a stock coil because of the way they're wound in the core. I think it would be difficult to make them work w/the little spike that's inside the coil when you cut out the old wire. I think a normal stranded wire would be...
  12. crammit442

    Bring Cash!!!!!!!

    This chamber MIGHT be for sale at Lanier. Who knows??????:wink: Have to wait and see what's offered.:biggthumpup: Charles
  13. crammit442

    Replaced my plug wires last night

    I agree 100%. Any stray RFI can easily disturb ECWI and TL brains. MSD wires work really well for TL and are bullet proof. Not good for replacement on a stock coil though. Charles
  14. crammit442

    Battery recommendaions?

    The Odyssey is a great battery, but I believe the Jetworks KB-35 is better. The warranty is only one year, but you won't need it. They also build hard hitting motors.:biggthumpup: Charles
  15. crammit442

    Tuning dual 44's - couple of questions

    Next time you need jets in WA call Randy at Watcon. He's the last of the good guys and will have anything you need. He's in WA also. Probably 1 day shipping.:biggthumpup: Charles
  16. crammit442

    There went my gas money, bought tnt

    I would bust on anyone who paid that for a TNT pipe. Please know it's all in fun.:smile: Charles
  17. crammit442

    There went my gas money, bought tnt

    :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggthumpup:
  18. crammit442

    There went my gas money, bought tnt

    Hope it works well for you. If not, I have magic beans that produce 5% more power than any other beans for only $500.00.:wink: Charles
  19. crammit442

    Who has a Fire extingusher in there superjet-- Fines???

    The real reason to have one on PWC is to help other boaters. Charles
  20. crammit442

    Team Scream

    Yes he will and at a VERY good price.:wink: Charles
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