Who's SJ hits the hardest.


makin' legs
CG Racing said:
Crammit442's boat is the most amazing thing i have ever ridden!! If anyone ever gets a chance, you might be lucky enough to get to ride it. the hit is absolutly insane, with flawless carburation all the way up to it's 62mph insane topend.

When your mag pump comes in and you get the Polaris monster fully dialed, we may be looking at a new benchmark. I believe you've only scratched the surface of what it may put out. Especially once the displacement gets up there. I'm glad you've let me help out a bit on it.:biggthumpup: I understand Tricky's FX-1 was pretty nasty too.:sneaky:



Mile9c1 said:
Maybe you should get yours going now :cool2:
I'm getting there. I was going to go to FL to have Chuckie helped me set it up, but I talked to him today and he's going to ship it up and I'll set it up then take it down there when I go in July to have him dial it in. He talked me into letting him make some custom race gas domes too(crammit442's influence at work here also). Should have it in two weeks.

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
crab said:
I'm so jealous! Sounds to me like anything in the massive horsepower catagory is more that most people can really use (but I would still try it). And here I was stoked riding a 100-110 hp boat for the first time.

No Paul def uses his big HP. For my style and ability....that much power would hurt not help me. Paul rips and uses that power to it's potential. Paul friggin ripps


Matakana Menace
yamasaki said:
your skis were truly off the hook.. and they didn't sink an hour before the buildoff just from being ridden too slow... :rolleyes:

Damn your annoying sometimes!

When you push the envelope for a build off, and do not have time to test the ski, schit happens.

Why not be positive for once, and just congratulate the guy for what he did?
Rickster said:
Damn your annoying sometimes!

When you push the envelope for a build off, and do not have time to test the ski, schit happens.

Why not be positive for once, and just congratulate the guy for what he did?

look at who youre talking to, rick.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
Rickster said:
Why not be positive for once

I've met both of them twice. Saki is about the most positive person I've ever met. He's also the same person on line that he is in person unlike other peeps around here...


Matakana Menace
WaveDemon said:
I've met both of them twice. Saki is about the most positive person I've ever met. He's also the same person on line that he is in person unlike other peeps around here...

I have no issues with Edwin, and have met him many times. I usually stay out of other peoples drama, but I just thought the comment was out of line the way it was written.

The point is, there is obviously some bad bloood between him and Steve, why not keep it between them instead of bringing it up in subtle ways.

I guess I saw no need to add the 'and they didn't sink an hour before the buildoff just from being ridden too slow:rolleyes: '... comment.

Conventional scuppers were used in a conventional way, on a non-conventional hull, and it was found out that you cannot run at low speeds with this setup. I'm sure it will be fixed.

Regardless, it was decided from the very beginning that running/handling of the ski's would not have any factor in the voting for the buildoff, so the comment was not warranted IMO.

Sorry if I affended anyone, I just though it was out of line, and not because it was Edwin.

BTW, I would have made the same comment if it was about another persons ski in the buildoff.


Shootin' The Crap
Rickster said:
Conventional scuppers were used in a conventional way, on a non-conventional hull, and it was found out that you cannot run at low speeds with this setup. I'm sure it will be fixed.

Steve has already had several ideas himself and from others about how to fix the problem and I am certain that he will come up with a solution. He deserved to win the build-off. :biggthumpup:
Royal Flush said:
Steve has already had several ideas himself and from others about how to fix the problem and I am certain that he will come up with a solution. He deserved to win the build-off. :biggthumpup:

the fact that he and jens' ski was built from scratch is deseving of its own category above the others.


an observation:

I think a lot of the hosility comes from charlie being involved... Steve has and is capable of speaking for himself.

Granted Edwin and Steve have issues, but charlie making subtle comments designed to irritate and annoy edwin has only made the whole situation grow into what we have now. Edwin is at fault too for escalating it, but I would be annoyed if someone was poking into my business just because they were friends w/ someone that I had a disagreement w/.

am I way off hear???? If so, I apologise....


Im done sanding!!!
Dallas Georgia
CG Racing said:
Crammit442's boat is the most amazing thing i have ever ridden!! If anyone ever gets a chance, you might be lucky enough to get to ride it. the hit is absolutly insane, with flawless carburation all the way up to it's 62mph insane topend.
Word, Charle's boat is the stuff. It is so clean . It just pulls so smooth and not eratic. Definetly usable power. Just remember blackjacks are racing carbs:wink:. Also you had my vote just on innovation. And that Yellow was so sick. Cant wait to see it after its dialed in.


So long and thanks for all the fish
sflsurfrider said:
the fact that he and jens' ski was built from scratch is deseving of its own category above the others.

However.....who actually did all the work on their ski themselves?

Doesn't really matter, there are so many ways to look at it, the cool part of the buildoff is that there aren't rules, otherwise we would have had 4 classes (custom hulls only, did all work yourself, built specifically for this buildoff, etc etc)


Matakana Menace
yamaslut said:
am I way off hear????

We are a small group of people, that have one thing in common, riding.

Personalities will always clash, why should that justify personal attacks? ***this is in general, and not only about this post***

If someone comes up to me and says my ski looks like crap, and hits like a kindergarten girl, why should I care?

I have had issues purchasing parts and a ski from a reputable Dealer in So Fla, but I don't come on the web and air out my business. If someone asked me if I have a good/bad experience, I will tell them. BUT I will always post about my positive experiences with people on the board.

Negative energy will eat you up, positive energy will buil you up.

I thought the positive energy is what fed all these free rides?
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