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  1. N

    what happens when couchers launch

    FYI to the idiot in the Toyota. You may want to think about launching with a truck where the UNSUBMERGED wheels move. That guy was an idiot! :shocked:
  2. N

    I am about to freak out.

    Build something! Or, you could make posters with cheery sayings like "IMAGINE" with like, an iceberg or something in the background or some other random picture.
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    Leaning towards an SXI Pro :scratchchin:

    Wow, the poll clearly indicates the popularity of the SJ! Thanks for the fx1 riding group tip
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    Leaning towards an SXI Pro :scratchchin:

    Thanks! Are FX1's ok? I understand I will have fun on any jet ski, but I heard they were hard to get up on. Is this true?
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    Leaning towards an SXI Pro :scratchchin:

    :bananalama: Thats the most useful piece of advice I have been given on this forum :bananapowerslide: Although, I do agree with and appreciate all others' advice.
  6. N

    Leaning towards an SXI Pro :scratchchin:

    Im a beginner, so I doubt very much I will be hitting the ocean surf any time soon. I may creep over the crest of the wave while people laugh at me, but I will mostly be in the delta with yacht-made waves and general delta chop. (Which can be very large and be white caps just from the wind) I...
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    Leaning towards an SXI Pro :scratchchin:

    Bottom end power is torque, right? If you wanna punch it and get air off small waves, you want a ski with more torque/acceleration? And top end is just higher top speeds?
  8. N

    Steal of the year..clean titled gp1300r---1500!

    pfft. check this out. Yes, 2 skis and trailer, for 2500. Everything is flawless... The sxi pro alone would be 2k and that superjet is worth 1k more or less. The trailer is worth between 500-800. It should be close to 4k.... Well, not a...
  9. N

    Leaning towards an SXI Pro :scratchchin:

    Hmmm.... Well, you guys, giving me awesome advice that I am very appreciative of, have been telling me to get a superjet... Well, they look like great skis, but I have been looking at 750 SXI Pros and hear they can be pretty mean. If I were to buy a superjet, it would be very old, and run (money...
  10. N

    New to jet skiing

    Thanks speedfreak :smile:
  11. N

    New to jet skiing

    Thanks for the feedback. I will try and get a superjet fo sho. Any advice for 800 sx-r's? I have seen a couple for 3,000...
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    New to jet skiing

    Hmmm. 550 sx's seem plenty fun.... Well, with lots of mods atleast... (If you havn't noticed, i'm very argumentative :) But I just wanna get the best ski possible so dont take offense if I disagree or w/e because I respect all your...
  13. N

    New to jet skiing

    Ok, so I will regret a 650 SJ? :261: I'm taking one step forward and one step back with all the advice. (Not that I dont appreciate it :) Im gunna go for whatever I can get... My priorities: 701/650 1990-1995 SJ FX-1 750 sxi and finally a 650sx or 550sx, hopefully it will not...
  14. N

    New to jet skiing

    What about an FX1? I found a nice FX1 with a 701 on ebay in my price range. Good? Bad? Neutral?
  15. N

    New to jet skiing

    Yea, Speedfreak. I've been looking on ebay and have found multiple 750s that are very modded. I found a 93 750 sxi I think and it had a beautiful paintjob and was very modded. If I cant, and absolutely CANT find an SJ right for me, would the next step down be a 750 sxi? *EDIT* This 750 SX has...
  16. N

    New to jet skiing

    Yahoos? These guys are giving me great advice. Anyways, thanks for the help guys. I will look into a square nosed superjet. I will also pm those who you referred to me, Speedfreak and hopefully they can help me out. Thanks again.
  17. N

    New to jet skiing

    lol, why? Thats where I'm confused :P Im just not having much luck finding square nosed 701 superjets for under 2000. I may have to get a 550 or 650. Which is cool. Im a beginner, so a ski is a ski. I just dont want to be ski shopping a couple years down the road when I'm more experienced and...
  18. N

    New to jet skiing

    Lol, what do you mean watch? the 550s and 650s arent capable of doing tricks?
  19. N

    New to jet skiing

    Hmmm.. It sounds nice, but I need to do some more research. Thank you for informing though. I will definately give it thought. Tell me what you think about this guys. Its a 94 superjet with a 701 and a square nose for 2100. Heres the link.
  20. N

    New to jet skiing

    Im having some trouble finding info on a square nose superjet. Can you guys point me in the direction of a good site to look at some? I tried looking through craigslist and google but I cant find any specifics. Im taking your advice and going with the square nose superjet with a 701.
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