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  1. dbrutherford

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro pump nipple busted, how do I fix?

    You will need to put a new tube through the hull. You probably have plastic lines in the hull. The older Kawies did. I have broke one or two off in my day too.
  2. dbrutherford

    Amateur freestyler pick-me-up

    As AC/DC wouls sing.. "Sink the Pink"!
  3. dbrutherford

    the proper way to blow your engine

    I was goign to suggest JB Weld too. I guess I am too slow. Someone once told me only Kawasakis do that since they have the longer stroke. I guess it happens to the best of us. It happened to my super clean 95 650 X2 I had years back. Engine went ot the scrap yard. You get real lucky...
  4. dbrutherford

    Billet Kawi Porn

    Brian, The pipe wasn't a cut one. Just a B Pipe on a Blaster. On the 750 SX mod pipe, the ex manifold is rotated some to make the pipe fit right. I wonder how that would fit with PV's. As far as polishing turds, Mythbusters already did that.
  5. dbrutherford

    Billet Kawi Porn

    Brian, I saw a rec boat with a broken head pipe. But my friend bought it used so it probably could have been from being loose and ridden that way. Didn't TS/XM sell some exhaust spacers that allowed the head pipe to clear the power valves. If the Head pipe still clears the side of the hull...
  6. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    Sexy it may be but I want to see more of that white hull in the back ground...
  7. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    As beavis would say: BOING! Sick looking ski. One of these days... like after I win the lotto.. I am getting a Trinity!
  8. dbrutherford

    Nitrous on a superjet

    Suscribed. I have seen a few old school kawie 650 intake manifolds that had weird cast places on them. Well I assumed it was for soem type of injection system. Harry Klem once posted on PWCT that it was just a place cast into the part to index the tooling off of. But if you look through...
  9. dbrutherford

    24/7 fixed steer rn build - XScream 771 PANCAKER Overhaul

    Well I don't think a more deserving person could have bought it. I once thought I was hard core into X2's but Shawn takes the cake. After riding a bunch of built SJs when I lived in AL, I knew one day I would have to make this same jump...
  10. dbrutherford

    SXR Wetpipe in X2

    I have the same manifold. They denied it to me as well. It came with their rare XiR pipe. The 750 SX mod pipe comes with a manifold and it won't work since it turns the head pipe some ot clear the hull. The manifold you talk about is the same exact one they use on the SXR wet pipe now...
  11. dbrutherford

    24/7 fixed steer rn build - XScream 771 PANCAKER Overhaul

    Congrats man. I want one myself but I need the SJ to go with it. lol
  12. dbrutherford

    SXR Wetpipe in X2

    I totally agree with you Tom! That is on the Japanese guys and on the lady at FPP. She always swears to me that the Yamaha and Kawie head pipes won't interchange.
  13. dbrutherford

    can 750 fit a 650sx

    Yes. But the 750 prop and 650 props are different. If yoy want to use a 750 prop it has to be "set back." The two pumps/props are different as internally some. A lot of guys use a stock 800 SXR prop and have it set back to fit the 650 pump. The stock SXR prop is stainless. Give Dave at...
  14. dbrutherford

    Finally a Carbon/Kevlar Mod Blaster

    That is just like that guy on eBay who sold the stainless pieces but yours are molded in. I like your idea a lot better.
  15. dbrutherford

    can 750 fit a 650sx

    They have the same size pump as far as diameter goes. Both are 140mm. There are some other differences though between the two pumps.
  16. dbrutherford

    Retire from this sport=NO!

    Pain is a weird thing. The dentist told me I had a cavity and it needed filled. Well it wasn't hurting but I had them fill it anyways. My damn jaw/mouth/tooth/face hurt for a month afterwards. I am like WTF my tooth didn't hurt BEFORE you drilled into it. Well then I woke up one morning and...
  17. dbrutherford

    Retire from this sport=NO!

    You mean BASE Jumping. Sky diving is safe compared to BASE. And for the record, I would trade all of this ski crap I own, time ewasted, and good friends/riders met to go sky diving every day. There is nothing like falling, I mean flying, through the air.
  18. dbrutherford

    Retire from this sport=NO!

    Reminds me of having my wisdom teeth taken out and unfortunately... kidney stones...
  19. dbrutherford

    Retire from this sport=NO!

    I have rode this year. Just not really enough to justify all this money tiemd up in skis/parts. I should close on my place at the end of next month and it is 5 mins from the water. That should help things next year. Right now my stuff is in a storage building on the other siode of town in...
  20. dbrutherford

    WV freestyle show down, check it out!

    Non existent. If you can belueve it... there are some of us who have never ridden in surf.
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