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  1. dbrutherford

    WANTED: Engine side pto coupler for kawi 650 for an x2.

    My billet ones are 20 mm. ADA sells both if you need the bigger one. If you buy a set of 20mm's, I will trade you a brand new ada 22mm. I originally bought a set of ada 22's for an SXR. Well that is because I needed a 22 for the engine side. Then I found a set of used red 20's. I...
  2. dbrutherford

    WANTED: Engine side pto coupler for kawi 650 for an x2.

    I have some billet used ones if you are interested.
  3. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 650 Flywheel removal

    Try tapping the flywheel when it is under pressure from the puller with a rubber or plastic mallet. Sometimes they get stuck on there good!
  4. dbrutherford

    Retire from this sport=NO!

    I must agree with Terry on this one. Custom modified = more wrench time. Stock = reliable Don't quit Crabster! You are a long time standing member of the X2 club. Heck I am practically retired, next thing you know is that Pete and Shawn will give them up. We all must stick...
  5. dbrutherford

    What does "running on one cylinder" feel like?

    Fells like less then half power and will not get out of its own way to save its life. That was really running on one cylinder. The other broke a rod. It hurt the wallet too.
  6. dbrutherford

    fire extinguisher.. and $156 ticket

    Same thing happened ot me once with making a wake in a no wake zone. I was on a stand up ridign in the tray on my knees going as slow as humanly possible to keep the ski upright and going straight. It is a money making ploy. Pay up and just be aware next time you are put there. I hate the...
  7. dbrutherford

    SuperJETT's squarenose topdeck conversion - COMPLETE

    Just looked like a hard hit. I ride onto my trailer too but it has soggy 2x4's with carpet. I have seen a few hulls that got holes punched in them by hits or things you wouldn't think would put a hole in them.
  8. dbrutherford

    WV freestyle show down, check it out!

    Yep, pretty far!
  9. dbrutherford

    SuperJETT's squarenose topdeck conversion - COMPLETE

    Damn Darin, you act like you doing glass work when you tried to punch a 2x4 through the hull putting it back on the trailer!
  10. dbrutherford

    WV freestyle show down, check it out!

    Hmm two hours from home... Does it matter that all I can do is a sub, a foutain, some 180's and ride on the hood on a stock X2? So let me get this right, no entry fee either day? Just show up and put on your routine? What class do they have for X2's? I know most have sport but I don't...
  11. dbrutherford

    Djkorn1's Trinity EVO Freeride Build

    I like the white grips. I have been meaning to get a set myself.
  12. dbrutherford

    Finally a Carbon/Kevlar Mod Blaster

    What did you have to do to the drive shaft to make up for the pump relocation? I assume use a 2008+ SJ shaft or Just move the engine/bulkhead back that distance.
  13. dbrutherford

    Eme q8 build

    Let em get you some pics. You want red or silver? I will PM you in a few days, they are in my storage building.
  14. dbrutherford

    I hate all of you!

    Looks liek you have some cool goodies on that X2. Welcome to the X. Stupid Jet Skis put me in debt on more than one ocassion.
  15. dbrutherford

    Malone 1997 Routine

    I liked that old school run a lot better than the current day stuff. Thing is, how many of us can actually do half of those tricks? A lot of them require a good deal of balance!
  16. dbrutherford

    Eme q8 build

    650 SX's and X2's have an 18mm threaded driveshaft Later year 650 engines, all 750 and 800 I know of, and 800 SXR's have both engine & drive shaft couplers in 20mm. ADA Racing now sells both sizes if you need a new one. But if you want a used one, I have some. I have two used red...
  17. dbrutherford

    Anyone got a nozzle?

    Ok here is my $0.02. The 650 SX nozzles are shorter overall in length than an X2 nozzle since they don't have the trim ring. Also on an X2 steer nozzle, it won't bolt up to any other Kawie pump nozzles I know of because the distance between the mounts is a lot more (again because of the...
  18. dbrutherford

    Finally a Carbon/Kevlar Mod Blaster

    Ribbed for her pleasure! So hows does this rate to the old B1 carbon hulls? I never saw one in person. To me he has incorporated a lot of better designs into this hull than any other I have seen.
  19. dbrutherford

    Old gas disposal?

    I did that once with soem disel or kerosene, can't remember. Well the 4-wheeler didn't like it. I used ot just pour old gas into my grandpa's beater truck. He doesn't drive it enough to do that anymore.
  20. dbrutherford

    x2 chopped and screwed...

    Is that an FPP B1 limited chamber?
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