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  1. dbrutherford

    Old gas disposal?

    Yeah my boss said to adjust the torch controls so the A/F mixture is right. Then turn off the tanks to make the flame go out. Then tuen on the tanks and fill up some ballons with the gas mixture. He said it was liek a 30.06 going off. As he is telling me all of this I am seeing myself doing...
  2. dbrutherford

    Old gas disposal?

    That reminds me of my boss telling me to fill up ballons with the propper mixture of gas from an oxy acetylene torch. Put it in a card boadx box. Then soak the box with gasoline throw a match to it and run!
  3. dbrutherford

    Johnson's 920 x-2 polaris powered

  4. dbrutherford

    EJs facial lacerations

    Did they ask you if you had your hemlet on? Last time I needed stitches and staples after a BMX bike accident that is all I heard from everyone at the hospital. My reply was does it look like it?
  5. dbrutherford

    Finally a Carbon/Kevlar Mod Blaster

    I love builds like this. Subscribed!
  6. dbrutherford

    650 pump on a 750 hull

    I agree. Seems like more work than it is worth. Does your friend need a 750 pump? PM me if so. I have one.
  7. dbrutherford

    best tool to cut ride plate?

    When using a jig saw to cut metal, use a little lube. WD40 seems to help keep things cool and cleaned out. The blade won't gaul as much.
  8. dbrutherford

    Old gas disposal?

    I had a bunch of old gas and tried calling around everywhere for someone to take it. No one wanted to touch it. I poured it a gallon at a time on a fire and burnt it up. If you just let it set out, it will eventually evapourate. My grandpa has an old truck and he accidently punched a hole in...
  9. dbrutherford

    Freestyle National Tour Trickshot?

    Food coloring
  10. dbrutherford

    Check this ebay out! 1100 sx !

    I have seen that red SX in the boards over the years. I have seen several SXR tripples. I have a core tripple I want to build up and put in a ski one day... Special, that FX1 would be sick with the tripple in it! Sorry I sold that ZXi hull I had a year or so ago. that you wanted the...
  11. dbrutherford

    Gator Grip vs Hydro Turf

    See the GG I saw had the cobble stones peeling off. But it looked old and like it had sat out in the dun for a long time. HT turns to dust if left out in the sun for extender periods of time.
  12. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    Nah not kidding, I wish. Today I felt like crap so I went to the urgent care place. Apparently I have the flu. WTF?
  13. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    Yeah me 2. I hate to admit it but I haven't even been out on the water yet this year. It has been an unseasonable cold summer thus far for northern WV. Some friends from Pittsburgh went a few weeks back and said it was miserable. I will try for Labor Day. I may just see about flying down...
  14. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    :17: My feelings are hurt.
  15. dbrutherford

    Eric Malone to attend EQT Pittsburgh Three Rivers Regatta

    What about a set up wake boat or double up? I may still come this year. It is just a bot of a drive for me and I have other plans for the weekend/holiday.
  16. dbrutherford

    Eric Malone to attend EQT Pittsburgh Three Rivers Regatta

    So are you guys going to have the ramp there? Last time I went it wasn't and I was bummed.
  17. dbrutherford

    low rise handlebars

    How thick are they? 1/8" seem pretty fawking thick! lol
  18. dbrutherford

    will new wet pipe chamber fit old fpp head pipe

    All FPP "B" head pipes will fit all "B" pipe chambers. Granted you may need a different style manifold or to dent a chamber here or there. Listen to Big Fish, he nailed it.
  19. dbrutherford

    Edwin this is for you... sorry they suck!

    Well I think I wasted 30+ bucks going to High Point MX this past Saturday in Mt. Morris, PA. I have went and watch the races there probably 9 out of the last 15 years. I guess it was some what worth it. I realized that I really am a petafile and that I am too old to thinking bad thoughts...
  20. dbrutherford

    Alessi out for season

    And I was pulling for Alessi too. Everyone knows the only reason Reed is racing is because JS isn't. Reed may have won High Point, but I was there and I saw him ride. As good as he was in SX, he should have been pulling JS types leads on those guys. Instead Tedasco was making him look bad.
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