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  1. dbrutherford

    Gator Grip vs Hydro Turf

    Procrastination is gay?
  2. dbrutherford

    Gator Grip vs Hydro Turf

    I guess doc, hindsight is 20-20. Although I have 20-15 vision... And I am not gay, Gil Williams just might be though.
  3. dbrutherford

    More Japan x2 vids

    Don't do this to me Bobby! I am already jonesing for an SXR hull with fixed steering. Then you had to come out with the 800 X2 hulls. Still though I would like a redesigned old style X2 hull. You ever want ideas, I will gladly tell you wnat I am looking for. Sad things is, I won't be able...
  4. dbrutherford

    Gator Grip vs Hydro Turf

    Did someone call for me? Hi Cliff! How you been? Things are ok up here, I have my own drama to attend to. My opinions as if it matters, is that HT is a good product considering it is just about the easiest to get ahold of. I like the different color options they have as well as the...
  5. dbrutherford

    Motocross season starts this weekend

    You coming to any races? If you want to hit up High Point or Steel City hollar at me. We normally go every year and they are both great tracks with good vantage points.
  6. dbrutherford

    More Japan x2 vids

    I can do that! in my dreams.
  7. dbrutherford

    Dave Ramsey, debt, credit cards, retirement, etc

    Good luck man, you are going to need it... I moved back home in with my grandparents 9 months ago. It has been the longest 9 months of my life. Then again, I have other family drama which makes life hard on me. But it has its rewards, I did exactly what you are doing with paying off debt...
  8. dbrutherford

    Lenzi on new hull

    I am calling it the sisi roll. The ski does a barell roll but the rider doesn't. Like a ghost rider but with a barell roll instead of a backie. Only the rider must land back onto the ski and not beside it in the water. People are already doing that. Oh yeah backies in the surf while...
  9. dbrutherford

    purple turf

    Yep, I should have sold it a few years back for sure. So will daddy give me a short term loan for 8k so I can by me a house? I would have 10% of the cost then. And I can get the 8k back in 2-3 months after closing by admending my 08 taxes to get the first time home buyer's tax credit of 8k.
  10. dbrutherford

    purple turf

    One year ago and it was three rides! lol I was almost tempted to sell it the ski the other day but I knew it wouldn't be worth it. I was going ot try and get my sister/bro-in-law buy it. At least I would still have access to it still. I almost have my downpayment of 10% saved. I will...
  11. dbrutherford

    purple turf

    Doggie Dog, here is what I have. I have two bigger triangle pieces of purple turf. I want to keep one for when mine messes up and I need to patch/repair it. I can give you the one of that has the end cut off a little, and a few of the smaller pieces for 10 bucks plus all the shipping ect...
  12. dbrutherford

    Pancake Pete - Best turfer ever !!!

    They sell some heavy duty brown paper on a roll at Lowe's. That is what I use.
  13. dbrutherford

    Pancake Pete - Best turfer ever !!!

    I think we should have a best turf contest!
  14. dbrutherford

    300/440/550 by far my favorite craigslist post

    That is what I was saying OX! I had one just like it though. They can keep it!
  15. dbrutherford

    SXR - Mounting e box to hull

    That is exactly what I was wanting to do to mine!
  16. dbrutherford

    some eye candy for ya's

    Did you break a tap off in this one? lol Just kidding, you deserve some credit too. A+
  17. dbrutherford

    double standup trailer questions

    That is what my double trailer is. It was originally a sit down trailer that was converted to hold two stand ups.
  18. dbrutherford

    some eye candy for ya's

    Me too on the thread jack... off to buy my lottery tickets!
  19. dbrutherford

    double standup trailer questions

    For my X2 it is like 12 or 14 inches center of 2x4 to 2x4. Just make them adjustable. Just drill a series of mounting holes for whatever bracket you use 1/2" apart. You WILL have to adjust them for another kind of ski at some point in time. No need to limit yourself.
  20. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    Wal-Mart Blitz special!
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