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  1. dbrutherford

    pull lanyard and still runs??

    Usually the lanyard just holds out the stop button. Inside the housing there is a push button switch. I would dissassembly the housing from the handlebar and try pushing the button to stop it. I have read it is good practice to keep the lanyard connected in non use so that the spring...
  2. dbrutherford

    Q's about Paypal fees

    You will have to eat the PayPal fees if they pay with a credit card or bank/debit card. If they pay from their bank account or PayPal account, then there will be no fees. Just tell them to upload the money into their PayPal account however they wish. Then once they have the money in their...
  3. dbrutherford

    Your 2009 Supercross Champion

    Stewart did in fact try and let Reed by. I still Reed should have just knocked both of them out of the race. Isn't he the on who says "Checkers or Wreckers?" Stewart owned this series, plain and simple. RC even says he is the fastest man alive. I would love to see them all race outdoors...
  4. dbrutherford

    2009 Smith Lake Assault Part I

    I would comment on Bill's daughter but... she isn't 18 yet...
  5. dbrutherford

    Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

    I still have that wet suit if you want to wear it some more... That picture is a classic. I am telling you that MILF chick I showed it to was all about it.
  6. dbrutherford

    Better than yours 550 freestyle build.

    I built up the strakes on my old 650 SX once with Marine Tex putty. It all chipped off... :( But since you are covering the whole bottom, you should be ok. I never really noticed much of a difference in handeling. I did notice a difference from shimming my ride plate down in the rear...
  7. dbrutherford

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 650sx flat deck,fixed steering conversion ski

    I have a brochure somewhere from my 91 650 SX I used to own. It may have the weight on it. Something like 272 or 275 comes to mind. Of course a later model SX will weight a hair more because of the rear exhaust than a pre 91 but nothing too noticably different. I imagine you could have 10 to...
  8. dbrutherford

    Harescramble holeshot

    I always grab the left hand brake on auto quads even though I know they are autos... I also pretend to let off and shift the imaginary shifter too...
  9. dbrutherford

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 650sx flat deck,fixed steering conversion ski

    Looks cool man. I like the color. So how does it handle compared to an X2?
  10. dbrutherford

    Harescramble holeshot

    Cool deal Pete! The last few Hare Scrambles I raced many years back I didn't get my bike fired on the first kick. I just had to learn how pass people better! Seriously on starting MX races, Mike Alessi should just quit racing and teach peopel how to holeshot! That kid is unreal. I bet...
  11. dbrutherford

    650/X-2 kawasaki x2 pics

    That is how mine will be if I ever get working on them. Right now I am about ot buy a house so maybe next year. My first jet ski ever was a 95 X2.
  12. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    Your name shouuld be Billet Pimp!
  13. dbrutherford

    FYI I am the only couch rider

    Back in the day BASE Jumpers would tar and feather any glory hounds who were day blazing their regular objects. That means BASE Jumping off something during the day. Pretty much drawing attention to an object that that people have been jumping for years unknown at night and had been getting...
  14. dbrutherford

    Skywalker ENVY build, here we go....

    I got ya. I was just wondering because it sounded like your wasn't a dry pipe. I take it the pipe you have now is the one that was in the pics where it was only half a hull, a few two by fours holding it up on an engine with opnly one cylinder. Sorry but I don't have the pic handy :(...
  15. dbrutherford

    Other 09 Trinity Matrix PRO / Xscream Cakerbuild

    Pete what happened to the cinder block bike stand. First a Matrix and now this, you getting all high class on us?! Just messing with ya, Suscribed for a sweet build!
  16. dbrutherford

    Skywalker ENVY build, here we go....

    So still no dry pipe? I am just glad you got your ski back.
  17. dbrutherford

    SB Products Billet SuperJet engine case

    Now that is funny... You ever see the street fighter videos on College Hummor?
  18. dbrutherford

    Trinity Composites Matrix Pro Hull

    So putty is not your buddy?:puppy_dog_eyes:
  19. dbrutherford

    x2 chopped and screwed...

    I agree, I was tempted to get the polisher's infor to send him stuff to bling out!
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