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  1. CarterB

    Other camping on the water in soflo that is ski friendly

    sebastian inlet is great. not sure where in daytona you could camp ON the beach. greatplace to ride though and always a crowd to hang with. just ask the lifguards where the jetski zone is located. anywhere much south of palm beach is tiny waves
  2. CarterB

    Other Selling a ski to someone in canada????!

    its only 16%. just write a bill of sale for a couple hundred bucks.
  3. CarterB

    Stock Superjet hull Frsstyle

    I think "freestyle" is now two different sports. both have very respectable riders and very impressive tricks requiring a good amount of skill or experience. much of the skill though doesnt transfer from surf to flatwater and vice versa. same goes for the equipment (motor/hull) Just a few...
  4. CarterB

    Surfriding Shorty and rockered hx

    nice man! looks like it might work out. HX's have tons of potential and do look pretty good. a couple feet of front and back and a lightweight hood would likely knock 50 lbs off! tons of great motor and pump options to upgrade to as well for cheap.
  5. CarterB

    Super Jet Saving Yamasaki's sad skittle superjet

    the tray will be easy...dont be scurrred. maybe we can stuff like a dozen plastic soda bottles in the tray and foam them in for the next guy. then again we could just pour gas on this thing and call it a day
  6. CarterB

    New Rocker NOSE kits ! (RN,SN, & WB)

    cuts pretty much are self explanatory since they follow existing body contours. more pics on this link:!cpZZ1QQtppZZ28
  7. CarterB

    Surfriding Hx hull mod

    it can only get better :) def needs weight reduction, but that wont be hard as those those come with tons of overkill. a lightweight hood could cut 20 lbs. alone. lots of potential here with cheap bigger motor options too.
  8. CarterB

    New Rocker NOSE kits ! (RN,SN, & WB)

    feel free to call 407-730-1050 nose kits require hull to be cut and come with templates on where and how to cut the hull to make this nose kit fit.
  9. CarterB

    surfjunkie nose fix

    ghey......tell scott ill donate a rocker kit to that ski :) FREE You can just use the bottom half of the nose piece and keep that stock mess on top if you really want it stock looking. also it will drop 6 lbs even after all reinforced.
  10. CarterB

    Other Choppin and Rockin

    ya rider skill is key. people hate to believe they are under-par but its usually the case and thats why stand ups are fun for so many years with endless rider progression :) I watched ZB ride a BOB for his first time and he shredded it like was his own ski even deep into the wave and revoering...
  11. CarterB

    Surfriding Rocker nose for a SJ

    well around here you can buy a whole running square for like 800-1200 all day. im happy with a rocked and chopped stocker. flippable and surfable with $500 of shaping. ill sell em cheaper if you can PM a good reason :) seriously
  12. CarterB

    Super Jet Saving Yamasaki's sad skittle superjet

    wow...more like PRE-Historic! its had 7 owners since Saki now too ! Been to my shop with 5 of those owners "talking" about a restoration and finally i get to do it! Well actually im hoping to pawn off all the work on Brad :) but its def getting a clean slate! That Defender is from South...
  13. CarterB

    The Unseen footage

  14. CarterB

    Super Jet Saving Yamasaki's sad skittle superjet

    i warned Brad that this ski is PISSED :cussing: and is ready to punish any owner who doesnt give it love! its been straight neglected and traumatized! Im going to make Brad nourish this OG and bring it back to life as the surfslut it was born to be. Oh and the skittle part is because this ski...
  15. CarterB

    Surfriding Rocker nose for a SJ

    its still the same install. same with people who have glassed on tubbies. you have to cut down the overlapping walls the nose piece comes with. ill post up some pics on a ski im doing an install on right now. also Brad (byeai) is doing an install at my place right now too that im sure he...
  16. CarterB

    Other Choppin and Rockin

    if you ride skis to just to goof around its great in all regards. if you want to carve buoys and do a lot of high speed runs its not worth it. For surf its great in almost all regards to me here on the east coast where waves are typically small and you arent doing much high speed anything...
  17. CarterB

    New Rocker NOSE kits ! (RN,SN, & WB)

    08 will install pretty much the same but i will layup the sides real light because they will need to stretch a little bit wider. Same with people who already got tubbies. not a big deal to still make it all fit right. im doing one right now with tubbies previously installed and ill post pics...
  18. CarterB

    Blaster b1 nose kit

    sweet! its kind of fun too doing it that way and having made it yourself :) post up more pics along the way
  19. CarterB

    Super Jet Please help guys! Rn issues been chasing a year now...

    ive run the $3 cheapo fuel filters from like ADVANCE and have had the same problem before. They seem to be made more for very low fuel consuming motors like lawn equipment. Also they come apart and will clog up your carbs internal filters as well. Oh and ive seen people run vinyl lines into...
  20. CarterB

    Blaster Rocker and Shorty quickie

    def chop the back! its a more substantial gain than the whole nose rocker job! it creates tons of steering leverage on top of being easier to rotate around on flips/rolls. if you were to cut the hull-7 and rocker the nose you still have 15% more surface area than a superjet so its not going...
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