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  1. Myself

    WTB kawasaki x2

    I'm going out of town tomorrow but I'll try to get pics by Monday.
  2. Myself

    Some 550 mats

    I felt like the steering was much improved with the OP if it were more 'responsive' if that makes sense.
  3. Myself

    WTB kawasaki x2

    I bought it from him to fix and resell. But I'll resell to you for $500. I got to make a profit ya know.
  4. Myself

    Pics from yesterdays ride!

    Wife and I went out yesterday for a couple hours and we got some stills from GoPro footage.
  5. Myself

    Keihin carb question

    Just an FYI.....the Keihin rebuild kits from SBT are actually very nice kits, even for the CV carbs! I literally just did a whole set an a '95 Zxi900 and it runs out great!
  6. Myself

    Keihin carb question

    I had a Keihin once on a 750ss that didn't run right even after a rebuild. I went through that thing with a fine tooth comb and COULD NOT find an issue. I put the new guts in an old parts carb I had and it ran like a champ. My only guess was a crack INSIDE the carb body somewhere which left...
  7. Myself

    Head gasket orientation

    That pic of yours goes on the cylinder the way it's laying on the bench. Larger holes on intake side and at rear cylinder.
  8. Myself

    Head gasket orientation

    Let me also add, the side with more or larger holes goes OPPOSITE the exhaust manifold.
  9. Myself

    Some 550 mats

    I slipped on the old torn turf last time out and took a pole sample to the face. I had to put something on there to ride. I actually have new turf for this project but I don't want to put it on until after I paint will be epic! I haven't ridden with an OP nozzle before bbut hoping...
  10. Myself

    Some 550 mats

    .......and my bro-in-law hooked me up with this crusty old relic. A short trip through my blast cabinet, some etching primer and paint......BAM!! New nozzle!
  11. Myself

    Keihin carb question

    Well......some of us have been in the game a long time. BUT, much as it pains us, there will continue to be newbies. And most of these newbies are now coming from a generation with absolutely zero mechanical or trade skills whatsoever. They just were never taught any diy skills like all of...
  12. Myself

    Some 550 mats

    I tore off the old stock delapitated mats this evening and put on some new turf........thrift shop yoga mat LOL!!! I think it actually turned out decent.
  13. Myself

    1986 550 hull seperation bond rail splitting

    FYI.......I rode this thing hard, several times times this summer.......all still good!
  14. Myself

    Keihin carb question

    WFO.......put your reading glasses on, I know that pic must be tiny on a phone LOL!!!
  15. Myself

    See Mister Ho Remanufacture a Shot Piston and Rev the Engine to the Max!

    Heck,......we don't need WFO to tell us anything. I mean......did you watch that vid? First you pack dirt into the shape you want, then cap it with Quick-crete......BAM!!! You've got a mold! :D
  16. Myself

    See Mister Ho Remanufacture a Shot Piston and Rev the Engine to the Max!

    That "Mr. Ho" takes diy to another level!!
  17. Myself

    I had custom registration decals made

    Yep, my laws are the same. Better to ask forgiveness than permission LOL!!!
  18. Myself

    I had custom registration decals made

    Thanks......those plain jane numbers just make me sick LOL! The color match was tough, back and forth with they shop printing out several color swatches for me. Then a bit of learning as well about the graphic color hex system. What you see on the screen DOES NOT print out the same in real...
  19. Myself

    I had custom registration decals made

    After some back and forth with a few pics and careful color selection, I got my new custom registration numbers. The guys at my local graphics place are great to deal with.
  20. Myself

    WTB kawasaki x2

    I think I might just buy it from him and fix the damage then resell.
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