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  1. Myself

    Cracked intake manifold

    I still have the stock brace on my wife's WITH a Riva open F/A.
  2. Myself

    550sx to 750 "All or Nothing" build

    Ok guys, I left the main jet alone but upped the pilot/low to an 88. I found some reference to a Factory pipe and that was the recommendation. As it turns out.....that seems perfect for this pipe setup! Starting and idle was vastly improved and seems very dialed in at 11/8 turns out. It will...
  3. Myself

    What Fuse is an Appropriate Replacement for the Super Jet Ebox Fuse?

    Also, it is NOT slow blow. I bought a whole pack of 10A glass fuses at a local NAPA a couple years ago.
  4. Myself

    Super Jet Start stop box

    Yes, loud click is normally a bad relay. Find the metal ring if you want to use your current start stop switch. Otherwise a new Yamaha one is about $129
  5. Myself

    Fire Extinguisher and tow rope front foot hold

    Rule of thumb on projects.........always takes 3x as long and costs 2x more than you think!!!
  6. Myself

    What did you wrench on today?

    I checked out (and cranked on) a flooded WaveVenture 1100. I checked out a '93 Seadoo GTS........has a low end knocking noise......not worth fixing. Checked out a SUPER CLEAN '97 Seadoo GTi that's been sitting for 2 years. Looked at a '99 Seadoo Gti that's not rinning right and...
  7. Myself

    What did you wrench on today?

    I finished and reinstalled the Seadoo supercharger. Here it is with fresh paint and new guts.
  8. Myself


    Good price but I really don't think you can say these things together in context.:D:D:D:D:D Sorry, somebody had to say it LOL!
  9. Myself

    What did you wrench on today?

    Today I wrenched on a salty RXPX. After fighting to get the ride plate off to fix leaky fittings......I snapped 5 out of 6 bolts holding the halves together and just stopped. New ride plate ordered. Continued on removing the supercharger for rebuild. I ran it through the blast cabinet, washed...
  10. Myself

    550sx to 750 "All or Nothing" build

    And here's the carb back apart to verify jetting and try again. Current jets are 155 main and 80 low. I don't think that's stock for anything so probably jetted in the previous SS machine with this R&D flame arrestor. Seeing as how I had to unscrew the idle mixture (pilot/low) screw about an...
  11. Myself

    550sx to 750 "All or Nothing" build

    Here it is in good company on my trailer with my Tigersaki, and wife's SN Superjet. And proof that it made it's first water test today!...........Unfortunately the water test went about like I thought it would and that pic is as far out into the water as we got! Low speed jetting is too lean to...
  12. Myself

    550sx to 750 "All or Nothing" build

    Finished up odds-n-ends today. Installed new hood seal.......and FIRED IT OFF!! Honest first start video Pay no attention to the tray mat.....I need something in there to test ride without scuffing up the nice new Jettrim mats. I don't think @Donatello would appreciate that LOL!
  13. Myself

    What did you wrench on today?

    I don't envy you linemen....................but thanks!
  14. Myself

    550sx to 750 "All or Nothing" build

    Tomorrow I'll rebuild the carb, finish up a couple other odds-n-ends, shorten the negative battery cable (it's about 47 feet too long), and HOPEFULLY fire it off!!
  15. Myself

    550sx to 750 "All or Nothing" build

    I also got the gas tank put in today. It's a pretty snug fit. Even with modifying the pipe stinger, it still touches the tank. NOT pushing hard into the tank but touching/rubbing it. I found a piece of thick rubber and wedged it in there for 'just in case'.
  16. Myself

    550sx to 750 "All or Nothing" build

    I scoured the boneyard today and could NOT find a choke cable that would work with this setup. This 550 had a primer and the 750ss donor also had a primer........I guess the primer stays. I really didn't like the chintzy plastic tee that fed the primer but I have a little drawer full of brass. I...
  17. Myself

    550sx to 750 "All or Nothing" build

    The customized oem bracket now fits (and works) like a charm!
  18. Myself

    Flipping couches for fun and profit

    The WSM wear rings fit the plastic pumps perfectly. Usually a bit snug on the brass pumps to the point you have to leave the four 17mm nuts loose and splash water into the pump then fire it off and splash some more water so the impeller "shaves" it's own clearance. I used to use a lot of wear...
  19. Myself

    62T/62T with Stock Dual carbs but single Carb Pulse Line fitting on Engine Case? Engine Rebuild, should I add a second Pulse Line?

    Just so you know......a Seadoo 951 comes stock with 46mm I body Mikuni's and only one pulse line feeding ONE fuel pump that supplies enough fuel even for a decently modded engine. And that fuel pump is the same thing found on a 38mm carb.
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