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  1. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    I keep forgetting to update this thread but laid glass over the motor mount inserts, got my foot holds installed, pump and midshaft are installed and just test fit my engine and gas tank. Sill have a few big things left to do like turfing and installing the pole and pole bracket but ran into an...
  2. Slowx2

    Custom/Hybrid Mini Monster

    I was not a fan of those hoods with the stock pole but with that pole setup it looks sweet.
  3. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    Didnt even think about that but sounds like it wouldnt be a bad idea. Would you just go on the sides of the inserts or actually over top of them?
  4. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    I didnt think it was 5200. It was a 2 part epoxy in a tube that had a very strong smell.
  5. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    I asked Tony what he uses and got a couple tubes from him. Was going to go with thickened epoxy but glad I went the route I did, gave me a little more work time.
  6. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    Got the two halves attached on friday. Going to pull the clamps tonight. Was pretty nervous about putting it together but went pretty smoothly. Might have been because I had 2 people helping. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  7. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    Forgot to update this but have basically everything ready to attach the top and bottom half. Just waiting to get the epoxy, so hopefully putting it together at the end of this week.
  8. Slowx2

    New New RRP 155 Trim and New Ninja FlowGuard

    I can see them just fine.
  9. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    Thanks. It's my first puppy. Haven't gotten much done but have all the cooling lines, steering cable tube and exhaust in. Last thing I need to do is put the scupper tube in and tube between the bulk head and pump tunnel. Also got the motor together and rebuilt the carbs. Sent from my...
  10. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    Starting to make some progress but ended up getting a puppy so progress is going slower then I like. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  11. Slowx2

    Rocketed superchicken build

    That's awesome. Going to have a comparison right away.
  12. Slowx2

    Rocketed superchicken build

    Nice, looking forward to hearing how it rides and looks in the water.
  13. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    Not yet. Waiting on a few things and had to go on a work trip. Hopefully can get some work done on it next week.
  14. Slowx2

    Anyone else watch The Grand Tour?

    I was surprised it even ran but I was expecting them to destroy it right away.
  15. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    I have not seen how xscream does it. Do you have any pics? That would be nice to have them a little higher up on the bulk head.
  16. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    Not sure yet, was going to look into it a little more. Any benefits to not foaming it other then weight? Thanks I might have to Pm with a couple questions once I get started.
  17. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    A little late but here is where I am starting. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  18. Slowx2

    FV-Pro kit build

    Just picked up an Fv-pro kit the other week and I am just starting to figure out what I need. This is going to be my first project like this, so any help or pointers would be great. Right now I am trying to figure out every thing I will need to do before I can attach the top half to the bottom...
  19. Slowx2

    JETMATE yamaha swap 760

    I have not done this swap but I am curious what issues you are running into?
  20. Slowx2

    Rocketed superchicken build

    Interesting idea. looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
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